We are acutely aware that our presence has been lacking, and it’s true that we haven’t been as active as we once were. We understand that this may have left some of you wondering about the future of While we can’t promise a flurry of immediate updates, we want you to know that we are not gone and will not disappear completely.

The truth is, life has taken us in various directions, and finding time to work on the site has been challenging. However, we remain committed to the project, and we have plans to upscale and upload all our episodes to our Youtube-channel. You´ll find a link below.

It may take time, but we want to ensure that when new content does come, it meets the standards of quality and passion that you have come to expect from us.

As part of this endeavor, we’ve decided to focus primarily on our YouTube channel. This platform allows us to reach a broader audience and engage with our community more effectively.

Furthermore, we apologize for the presence of several dead links and outdated information on our website. Peter, in particular, has taken it upon himself to address these issues and ensure that everything, including audio effects, becomes available once again. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work on these updates.

In conclusion, we are immensely grateful for your unwavering support and encouragement. is not just a website; it’s a community of passionate fans, and you all make it what it is. We will continue, in some way or another, and we hope you’ll stick with us on this journey.

Warmest regards, The Team

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