Archive for the ‘News’ category

Status Update

April 11th, 2014

Sometimes we get people asking us if we’re still active, so I just wanted to post an update to re-assure all of our fans and voice actors that we’re still very much alive and kicking. If you want to get updates for our projects (as well as other people’s) on a more frequent basis, we […]

Our moderator/friend/all around good guy Time Lord is putting together a radioplay based on the IDW Comics Transformers: Infiltration series. So, obviously, he’s holding auditions! You can try out for all sorts of characters, including Ratchet, Prowl, Ironhide, Sunstreaker, Bumblebee, Jazz, Wheeljack, Runabout, Runamok, Starscream, Thundercracker, Blitzwing, Skywarp, Astrotrain and of course, Megatron. Auditions have […]

Prime Productions has released their long-awaited first effort in the Headmasters series, which they have taken over from Dark Heroes and FyerSpawn before that. Derek from Prime Productions said this about the episode: Forgetting that the infamous StarTV Singapore dub ever existed, this is the first ever English dub of this particular episode to my […]

Prime Productions has recently released its extended trailer for their Headmasters project. Unlike most fan-projects of this nature, it’s a complete revision of the episodes. Apparently, the episode will be out soon, so we all await the final product!

Hey everyone, Check out this animated short by Jon Bailey, Gabriel Jean, BlastardInc, SalvidonBlack and featuring the voices of Gregg Berger, David Kaye, Neil Kaplan, Lee Tockar and Daniel Ross. A lot of familiar names either from this website or from Transformers in general, so you probably will enjoy it! 🙂

Quick Update

February 28th, 2013

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about our current status, or if there are any projects coming out anytime soon. The good news is – yes, we are still alive. The bad – right now, there’s not a lot of time to work on any fandubs. We hope to report back in the near […]

We are pleased to announce that we have added several new tracks to our Transformers G1 music library! We are regularly updating these tracks – completing some, adding others (such as the GI Joe ones that were often used in G1 episodes) and other tweaks. You can find the tracks in our Transformers music section […]

First (well, after you’ve scrolled down and look at the names because we all know that’s the first thing you did), we’d like to thank all 33 of you who auditioned for this project. Not all of you can get parts and some of you are getting multiple parts. It’s just the way it works, […]

Energon FV Casting Call

February 10th, 2012

UPDATE: This casting call is CLOSED! A big thank you to all 30+ of you who auditioned. Unfortunately, since we are in two completely different timezones, the cast list will be up when can sync our schedules up and figure each role out.

TFCog Casting Call Closed

February 10th, 2012

It’s been a long time since we’ve done this, but we at TFCog are running auditions for five different major roles over two series – Beast Wars II & Beast Wars Neo! None of these are new roles; they are all replacements. We were happy with all of our original actors, but unfortunately things happen […]

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