Transformers: Energon
“Starscream, the Mysterious Mercenary” – Episode 8
Written by Voicebox Productions
Transcription by Brandon Williams

Inferno: For the life of me, Ironhide, I just can’t figure that kid out.

Ironhide: Take it easy, Inferno.

Optimus: What’s up, men?

Ironhide: Uh, Optimus-sir, it’s Kicker. He’s out riding his bike like a wildman again.

Inferno: Aw, I don’t think it’s a big deal, Optimus-sir. He’s just blowing off steam, as the humans say.

Ironhide: I understand that, but there’s something that’s just not right about it.

Inferno: Exactly what’s wrong?

Optimus: Hmmm…

Ironhide: It’s — hard to explain, but he seems kinda agitated. And when that happens, it usually means he senses something — or someone. I — I know I might be worried for nothing, but I think we should keep an eye on him, sir.

Kicker: Something isn’t right, here. Uh? Hmm… Company’s on its way! Ughh. (VO) Ever since I was a kid, I realized I had some kind of ESP. And right now, it was working overtime.

Starscream: I’m looking for you, Optimus, and I will find you. And when I do, I’m sure you’ll be very surprised to see me. Now where are you hiding, Prime?!

Ironhide: Halt! Who goes there? Quit joking around, Demolishor.

Starscream: My mission is to seek out and destroy you, Optimus.

Ironhide: Boy, I must be hearing things. I could have swore that I heard somebody talking out here. Man, I must be losing it. Huh? What is going on around here?

Kicker: Whoever it was was just here… Ughh.

Ironhide: Hey Kicker, what are you doing at this end of the building?

Kicker: Call me crazy, Ironhide, but did you see anybody come this way?

Ironhide: No, I didn’t see anybody, but I’m positive that I heard some voice and some footsteps.

Kicker: It’s him. He’s gonna go after Optimus!

Ironhide: It’s who?! What are you talking about? Transform! C’mon, Kicker. We gotta warn Optimus.

Kicker: So where is the big guy — in HQ Central Ops?

Ironhide: Yeah.

Kicker: That’s a relief. That means he’s not alone.

Ironhide: Well, let’s just hope so.

Kicker: What?! C’mon, we gotta step on it!

Starscream: It’s only a matter of time before I find you, Prime.

Skyblast: So the bartender says to the mule, “why the long face?”

Signal Flare: Hahaha!

Skyblast: No matter how many times I tell that joke, it never gets old…

Signal Flare: Huh?

Skyblast: Did you just sense something?

Signal Flare: I thought I did, but maybe I just got a whiff of some Energon.

Skyblast: You’re right, maybe that’s it. Whew. For a minute there, I had the feeling we were being watched!

Signal Flare: See? What’d I tell ya? Hahahahahaha!

Skyblast: I guess working 24-7 refining Energon has started playing tricks with my circuits. Heheheh…

Starscream: Where are you hiding, Optimus Prime? Huh?


Q-1: Where is he?! I don’t see anyone! Would someone please explain what I’m supposed to be looking at?!

Q-3: We’ve created the new Starscream, but he is without form.

Q-2: Yes, a warrior who is impervious to any physical attack! Hehehe!

Q-3: And I am quite pleased with our end result.

Starscream: Who are you, and what do you want of me?

Q-3: We are your master, Starscream.

Q-2: And you may call us Alpha Q.

Starscream: My master… Alpha Q?

Q-2: Precise-a-mundo, my blurry friend. And we brought you back to life as our personal warrior to destroy Optimus!

Starscream: You want me to — destroy Optimus Prime?!

Q-3: Yes, because he hordes all the Energon for himself.

Starscream: Energon…?

Q-2: Energon is the fuel we require to revive the great Unicron. It’s essential! It’s what we used to rejuvenate you.

Starscream: This is all too confusing to me!

Q-3: Take a look at yourself, Starscream.

Starscream: Huh? What? What do you mean?! Hhhh… Hhh!

Q-3: We ran out of Energon when we revived you, so your physical form is incomplete.

Q-2: But if you eliminate Optimus, then all the Energon in the universe will be ours! And you shall be made whole again, Starscream! Heheheheheh!

Q-3: Now go, and carry out your mission, solider.

Q-1: Put him out of his misery! Annihilate him, Starscream!

[End Flashback]

Starscream: I can’t exist in this form! I must destroy Optimus and become complete! I must have Energon, for myself… and Unicron!

Kicker: Up ahead, Ironhide. That’s it, blast him!

Ironhide: Yeah, but what am I shooting at, Kicker?

Kicker: Nevermind, just keep firing!

Optimus: Huh?

Starscream: What the?! Huh?

Optimus: Who’s there?!

Starscream: Yah-ugh!

Optimus: Ugh! There’s no one there…

Starscream: Uhhuhhh… Uhhh!

Ironhide: Ah, I’m just wasting ammo!

Kicker: Over there!

Ironhide: But there’s — there’s nothing there!

Kicker: Daaah! Uggh!

Ironhide: Huh?! What’s going on?!

Kicker: That’s him!

Starscream: That kid — he can sense me!

Jetfire: What?! No way! What do you mean our secruity’s been breached?!

Inferno: That’s impossible. There’s no way anyone could get in here without tripping an alarm!

Ironhide: Well, this is different, Inferno. Our not-so-friendly intruder is totally invisible.

Hot Shot: Are you sure, Ironhide?

Ironhide: 100%. Kicker can back me up.

Hot Shot: Ah, I’m gettin’ a bad feeling about this.

Jetfire: Well if you ask me, I say we put a guard on Optimus ’round the clock.

Optimus: That’s not necessary, Jetfire. I can look after myself. Besides, we must keep focused on protecting our Energon supply.

Kicker: You can’t be serious, Optimus! He almost got you once already!

Optimus: Our priority is to extract and store Energon, and to ensure that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

Kicker: I don’t believe this. Who does he think he is?

Ironhide: Can it, Kicker! You don’t give the orders around here.

Kicker: Yeah well, he may be dishing ’em out, but I ain’t gonna be following ’em.

Ironhide: Get back here, Kicker!

Optimus: Let him go.

Ironhide: Huh?

Optimus: He’s made up his mind, Ironhide.

Ironhide: Aaargghh…

Kicker: Okay, let’s synch up our communicators.

Ironhide: Oh, yeah, right. Hey, are you sensing anything right now?

Kicker: It comes and goes. But one thing I do know for sure, whoever — or whatever it is, is still moving around Ocean City.

Hot Shot: Kicker, Ironhide, this is Hot Shot. Can you read me?

Ironhide: Yessir! Read you loud and clear, sir!

Kicker: What’s up, Hot Shot? Did something happen to Optimus?

Hot Shot: Relax, he’s fine. He just left Central Ops and is now headed for area C.

Kicker: Roger that. And don’t worry, Ironhide and I will tail him.

Hot Shot: Good, but just remember, stay in stealth mode. I don’t want him to know we’re shadowing him.

Optimus: I sure wish they’d stop watching me and concentrate on their real jobs.

Hot Shot: Huh?! Hhh!

Optimus: Hot Shot! Get back to work!

Hot Shot: B-but — Optimus — sir, I wasn’t tailing you. I had to go this way. I had to deliver some motherboards to sector C.

Optimus: Don’t give me that! Now get back to your post, stat!

Hot Shot: No, I can’t let you go unprotected!

Optimus: Hot Shot, I’ve been at this game far too long to need a babysitter. Now if someone is after me, I’ll deal with it. And you should deal with your duties. Now go!

Hot Shot: Arhhh. Sorry, guys, but I blew my cover. He spotted me.

Kicker: Hey, don’t sweat it, Hot Shot. We’ll take it from here.

Ironhide: So where’s he going, anyway?

Kicker: My best guess is he’s headed for Energon mine 243. Attention all mine guards, this is Kicker. Optimus is headed for mine 243. Stay on your toes.

Hot Shot: Copy that. I’ll hang back. But if you need me, I’ll be right there for backup. Over.

Optimus: Hmmm.


Optimus: Huh? Ughhh! Huh?

Starscream: Arrrrgghhhh!

Optimus: Aaaaaahhh! Aaaahhh…

[End Flashback]

Optimus: This is Optimus Prime! If there’s someone out there who wants to challenge me, then show yourself! I have little time or patience for games, so if you have something to say to me, do it now!

Kicker: Whoa. Very cool. I gotta admit, he’s got guts. Uhh? He’s out there. I can feel it. Optimus! Get down!

Optimus: Huh? What’s he doing here? Huh?! Hyah!

Kicker: Optimus is under heavy fire in sector C!

Ironhide: Whoa, where?

Hot Shot: Just fire at anything.

Ironhide: Right!

Jetfire: Where is it?! I don’t see anything!

Ironhide: Aw man! Now where did he go?

Hot Shot: I wish I knew…

Kicker: He’s still out there! C’mon, we gotta blast ‘im! More to the right — and aim higher. Oh no! Eeghhh!

Optimus: Kicker! I’m coming! Kicker, are you all right?! Huh?

Kicker: Don’t worry about me, Optimus. It’s you he’s after. Ughh… Whoaa! Ugh.

Optimus: Hmm, I don’t know what to do with you. I told you, I don’t have time for this! It’s me you want, now come and get me, you coward! Okay… That’s it… Keep coming. It’s time to find out who you are.


Jetfire: Wh… What happened? Where’s Optimus?

Ironhide: I don’t know. He just disappeared!

Jetfire: Yeah, but — where could he have gone to?

Hot Shot: I’ve got a feeling he’s left to settle this.

Jetfire: But…!

Inferno: Hmm?

Jetfire: Look, a spacebridge.

Kicker: Heads up! Comin’ through! Yee-hoo-hoo!

Ironhide: No, Kicker! Come back!

Jetfire: Hurry, Inferno. Get the co-ordinates of that spacebridge. We’re running outta time.

Inferno: I’m on it, Jetfire.

Kicker: Oh, man. I’ve gotta step on it if I’m gonna make it through.

Jetfire: I’m comin’, Optimus! Uggh!

Kicker: We’re too late!

Inferno: They’re headed straight for Lunar City.

Kicker: Hhh… hghh!

Jetfire: This is it, boys. Set co-ordinates for Lunar City and stay on my tail.

Hot Shot: Right behind ya, Jetfire.

Jetfire: All right. Prepare to launch, gentlemen.

Kicker: C’mon! Let’s get this show on the road.

Autobot A: You’re saying Optimus came here?

Ironhide: Yeah, he came through a spacebridge like two minutes ago.

Autobot B: Sorry guys, but that’s news to me.

Kicker: Ohh… This is just great.

Jetfire: Optimus… Come in, Optimus. Ugh! Man! I think he turned off his communicator. Now we’ll never be able to hone in on ‘im!

Kicker: That’s because he doesn’t want us to get in the way.

Jetfire: You’re right.

Ironhide: But we’ve got to find him!

Cyclonus: Ahhh, I don’t get it, Megatron. How could those idiot Autobots figure out Optimus was here?

Megatron: Maybe they’re not as idiotic as you, Cyclonus.

Cyclonus: Hey, I just asked a question. Can ya cut me a little slack, Megatron? Hehe.

Megatron: Enough horsing around. Find Optimus. And find that mindless menace before those Autobots do.

Scorponok: I get the impression that Megatron has doubts about your loyalty, Demolishor.

Demolishor: He ordered me to stand guard. And that’s exactly what I’m doing, Scorponok.

Scorponok: Up until yesterday, you stood guard for the Autobots. That in itself would cast doubt upon you.

Demolishor: Aw, c’mon! You can’t be serious!

Scorponok: Relax, I was just having some fun with you! Now let’s try and get along, Demolishor. That would be the mature thing to do.

Demolishor: Hmm! Why don’t you go and leave me alone.

Scorponok: Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh…

Hot Shot: Terrorcons — they’re in attack mode again. We better beef up our defenses!

Skyblast: So Hot Shot, you called?

Signal Flare: What’s up?

Hot Shot: Thanks for coming. Okay men, I need some Energon stars that I can take to Lunar City, and fast.

Skyblast: Well, what exactly do you mean by fast?

Signal Flare: I’m all for working hard, but maybe the next shift can take it.

Hot Shot: I need them now!

Inferno: It’s too dangerous to go alone! I’m coming too.

Hot Shot: No, Inferno. I’m putting you in charge down here.

Inferno: Boy, just my dumb luck.

Kicker: This is driving me nuts. Why isn’t Hot Shot letting us help out Optimus?

Optimus: How long are you going to keep this mindless game up?! Show yourself, coward! And let’s settle this one-on-one! Huh? What?! Copter-2, launch!

Starscream: Heh! Your toys are useless!

Optimus: Who sent you to destroy me? Was it Megatron?

Starscream: Hmm… That name does ring a bell…

Optimus: Aahh!

Hot Shot: Hot Shot, transform!

Optimus: Hot Shot! What are you doing here?!

Starscream: Ahh!

Optimus: You’re mine.

Starscream: Huh? Erggh!

Optimus: Why are you after me?!

Starscream: To revive Unicron!

Optimus: Unicron?! Argghh! Aaahhh! Optimus Prime, super mode!

Skyblast: Urgh! Urgh!

Ironhide: Ergh!

Jetfire: Yah!

Ironhide: Ergh!

Jetfire: There’s no time to waste. We gotta find Optimus.

Kicker: Then follow me, guys.

Skyblast: Hang on a minute, Kicker. I think you might need — this!

Kicker: Huh? Ugh. Ironhide, I need your Energon Saber. It’s my only chance to put up a fight.

Ironhide: You wanna what? But I just got it, Kicker.

Kicker: Nevermind, I’ll make due with this one. Ugh! Errrgh!

Cyclonus: Awwww! Megatron, trying to find Optimus is a total waste of time!

Megatron: Scorponok will pay for this. Hmm? Where are those Autobots headed?

Optimus: Ughhhh… So, did your orders come directly from Unicron?

Starscream: My mission is to seek out and destroy you, Optimus. Erggghh!

Optimus: Aahh! Ughh! As long as there is a spark in my circuit board, you’ll never get enough Energon to revive Unicron! Ugh! Ugh!

Megatron: Huh? We’re in luck, men. I just found Prime.

Kicker: C’mon, guys! We gotta step on it!

Cyclonus: Yeaaaahh-haaa! Hahahaha! Yeee-hooo! Hahahaha! Time to snatch some Energon! Hehehehe!

Hot Shot: Hrggh! Urghh… Hggh…

Jetfire: Ironhide, we’re just wasting ammo here. I say it’s time to combine!

Ironhide: Let’s do it!

Jetfire: Jetfire!

Ironhide: Ironhide! Powerlinx!

Jetfire: Attack!

Optimus: Anyone who fights under Unicron’s command is my sworn enemy, and I will destroy them!

Megatron: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Optimus: Hgggh! Yaaargghhhh…

Megatron: All right! Who’s responsible? What?! Who are you?

Q-2: Excellent work, soldier. Now it’s time to return home.

Megatron: No! Wait! Come back! Hhh… Come back, you insolent fool!

Kicker: Optimus, no! No, it can’t be! Optimus! No, this can’t be… This just can’t be!

Skyblast: Optimuuuus!

Jetfire: Calm down, Kicker. It’s gonna be okay.

Hot Shot: This looks serious!

Kicker: Come on, Optimus. Speak to me. Say something, anything! Get up! I said, get up! Quit fooling around! I know you can hear me, now pull yourself together and stand up right now! C’mon!

Skyblast: That’s enough, Kicker. Stop it.

Kicker: Skyblast, your Energon star — he needs it!

Skyblast: Hmm?

Kicker: Give Optimus your Energon star!

Skyblast: Whoa, why didn’t I think of that?

Kicker: C’mon, you gotta hurry!

Skyblast: Oh, coming right up!

Kicker: C’mon, Skyblast. Give him more. You’ve gotta give him all you got.

Skyblast: Hrrh! Er! Hrh! Uhh!
Optimus: Ahhh…

Kicker: Yeah! That’s it, Optimus!

Megatron: Go ahead and run, you scoundrel! But you’ll never escape my wrath!

Optimus: What’s this? Hot Shot’s blaster? But why is he giving it to me? Forgive me, men, but let me have a minute while my hard drive optimizes.

Kicker: Huh?

Megatron: Aahh! Ugh! Where — is all his power coming from?! Aaaaaaahhhh!

Jetfire & Hot Shot: Optimus!

Optimus: Huh? Hot Shot! Jetfire!

Tidal Wave: Tidal Wave!

Cyclonus: Megatron, wait up! Don’t leave without us!

Kicker: What a waste. We just had Lunar City rebuilt and now it’s totalled again.

Optimus: Cities can be rebuilt, Kicker. But lives are much more precious. I want you to always remember that.

Kicker: Hmm. Don’t get all philosophical on me, Optimus. I’ve got more important things to concentrate on.

Optimus: All right… Like what?

Kicker: Like worrying about Megatron.

Optimus: You let me worry about him, Kicker.

Kicker: Yeah, but if you ever need backup…

Optimus: I know, you’ll be right there for me.


Episode Notes

-Ironhide says for Demolishor to stop joking around one episode after he betrayed them. A little strange.

-Speaking of Demolishor, he is voiced by Nathaniel DeVeaux for his few lines in this episode.

-Signal Flare sounds a little different this episode for some reason, but I suspect it’s still Michael Dobson.

-Why does Optimus call “super mode” to go back to… regular mode?

-After Ironhide refuses Kicker’s request for the Energon Saber, why is Kicker then riding on it and saying “nevermind, I’ll make due with this one”?

-When Megatron sees Kicker and Skyblast flying, he asks where “those” Autobots are headed. I guess Kicker is an Autobot? Or is the Saber?

-When Ironhide and Jetfire combine, I can only hear Ironhide saying “Powerlinx.” I don’t know if Jetfire’s under there somewhere or not.

-“Hot Shot’s blaster” makes even less sense than the Star Saber thing from ep 4. In Superlink, he said it was a gift from previous commanders and I guess Hot Shot is the previous commander… That’s how I figure they got this.

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