Transformers: Energon
“Unicron Unleashed” – Episode 24
Written by Voicebox Productions

Ironhide: With the Energon shield damaged, w-we’re like sitting ducks. The Decepticons could attack at any minute.

Optimus: All right, men. I have a plan.

Ironhide: Uhh?!

Optimus: Rad’ll start repairs on Wing Dagger. Jetfire, you keep watch for any sign of the enemy.

Jetfire: Yes, sir!

Shockblast: I don’t know what Megatron is waiting for! This is perfect opportunity for us to attack!

Megatron: (In flashback) Remember, Shockblast, I give the orders around here.

Shockblast: Hrggh…! We’d have all the Autobots’ Energon by now if I was in charge! Instead, we have to sit here wasting precious time.

Dr. Jones: Come in, Kicker! I want you to stay safe while Optimus carries out his mission. Now, remember, son… Stay with the ship and everything will be fine! It’s up to you to run things on board this time. That ship’s my pride and joy. You’re safe on the Miranda II.

Kicker: I’m ready for anything they throw at us. We’ve got it covered. Over and out.

Hot Shot: Huh? My Energon star.

Ironhide: Well hey, what does that mean?

Jetfire: Incoming!

Ironhide: Huh?

Jetfire: The Decepticons are on the attack!

Mirage: Tidal Wave has been reformatted. Call me Mirage.

Inferno: What is that thing?

Ironhide: Tidal Wave?

Mirage: Mirage! Eghh!

Jetfire: He may look different, but he’s still a Decepticon! Transform! C’mon, let’s see what you got!

Optimus: Defend the tower!

Hot Shot: Yessir!

Mirage: Megatron commands you to give us your Energon. Mirage, transform!

Rodimus: You’ll get nothing from us!

Mirage: Mirage, attack!

Rodimus: Hrghh!

Ironhide: That’s it! C’mon!

Inferno: Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

Jetfire: I’ve got you now!

Mirage: Mirage more powerful. Mirage say, “catch me if you can!”

Jetfire: Come back here!

Mirage: Transform!

Jetfire: Ugh-aaaaah-aaahh!

Mirage: Transform!

Jetfire: Transform!

Mirage: Mirage, attack!

Hot Shot: Oh, no you don’t! Ggh! Quit movin’ so fast, would ya?! Uh oh! Aaaawaaah! Whoaaa, slow down, big fella! Arggh!

Ironhide: Huh?

Hot Shot: Ugghh!

Mirage: Transform! Puny Autobot.

Optimus: Hold it right there!

Mirage: Hmm?

Optimus: You’ve done enough damage for today, Mirage.

Ironhide: Hot Shot! Are you okay?

Rodimus: Give it up, Mirage!

Inferno: Erugh!

Jetfire: Give it up, Mirage!

Mirage: I don’t think so.

Optimus: Huh?

Demolishor: What’s that?

Shockblast: That’s the signal! Attack!

Snow Cat: (Yodels.)

Demolishor: Aaaaarrrrggghhh!

Shockblast: Terrrocons! Move out!

Rad: They’re attacking again, Optimus.

Optimus: What?!

Rad: We’re talking thousands of Terrorcons!

Optimus: Terrorcons?

Rodimus: That means — they’re coming for the Energon.

Inferno: Hey, it was all a setup!

Rodimus: Prowl, Landmine, come in! Stop the Terrorcons! Don’t let them near the Energon!

Prowl: Copy that.

Landmine: Let’s get ’em!

Rad: Oh no! Look at them all! There’s way too many of them! Aw, man, we’ll never be able to protect the Energon!

Optimus: We can do this. We’ll stop them here and now.

Prowl: Huh? Man, I don’t like these odds at all.

Shockblast: Heh, heh. Transform! So long, Autobots! Nice knowin’ ya.

Optimus: Shockblast!

Starscream: Hyaaah!

Optimus: Erggghhh!

Inferno: Optimus!

Shockblast: Hahaha! Now let’s get that Energon!

Ironhide: No!

Snow Cat: Heheh, thanks for the lift, big fella!

Ironhide: Hold it… pal!

Snow Cat: (Yodels before he gets hit.) Uggh!

Ironhide: Ugh, gotcha!

Inferno: Ironhide, forget about them. Concentrate on stopping the Terrorcons.

Ironhide: Right!

Prowl: I’ll show those Terrorcons! Hrggh!

Landmine: Just keep firing.

Rad: Optimus… Do you hear me? All of Cybertron is in danger. They’re stealing the Energon. The Energon grid is shutting down. What should I do?

Optimus: Rad, re-route all of the Energon into the towers immediately.

Rad: Re-route all the Energon?!

Optimus: That’s what I said, now do it! There’s no time to lose!

Rad: Okay, I’ll do it, Optimus!

Optimus: Rad…

Rad: Huh? Yeah?

Optimus: We can’t let the Energon fall into Megatron’s hands. If it does, it’ll be disasterous for all of us.

Rad: You’re right, Optimus.

Optimus: Yes, now do as I said, and hurry.

Rad: Yeah, I understand.

Shockblast: Hahaha! That’s it. Take every last drop of Energon from this wretched planet! Huh? Something happening. Oh no! Pull back. Retreat! Get out of there!

Hot Shot: Stop!

Rodimus: Get down, Hot Shot!

Hot Shot: Aaahh! Rodimus… Why’d ya do that?

Rodimus: Just remember, you don’t have an Energon star, so be careful.

Hot Shot: Hhh, thanks a lot, Rodimus.

Shockblast: C’mon! Move it! We got enough Energon for now! We’ll get the rest later.

Optimus: There won’t be a later for you, Shockblast!

Mirage: Hehehehahahaha! Mirage finish you!

Ironhide: Oh yeah?!

Mirage: Yaaaah!

Inferno: Aaaaahh!

Ironhide: Aaaahhh!

Optimus: Don’t look at him! He’s trying to blind us!

Ironhide: Eraaaaaah, aah! Who’s there?!

Optimus: Take it easy, Ironhide. It’s me, Optimus.

Ironhide: Hmm? Ohhohh, sorry.

Optimus: Keep your eyes closed until this passes and you’ll be all right. Using Mirage as a decoy was a clever move. We’ll have to get that grid fixed or we can expect another attack very soon.

Kicker: Optimus!

Optimus: Kicker!

Kicker: I brought an Energon star with me. Oh no! Did the Decepticons do that? I should’ve been here!

Optimus: Unfortunately, they stole a large amount of Energon, and Megatron’s going to use it to revive Unicron’s body. Then, he’ll try to launch another attack. Kicker, go back to the Miranda II where it’s safe.

Kicker: All right, but Alpha Q wants to start moving.

Optimus: I can’t worry about that now. We’ve got work to do. Ironhide!

Ironhide: Sir!

Optimus: I want you to go along with Kicker.

Ironhide: Yessir!

Optimus: All right, let’s get this placed cleaned up. And then we’re going after Megatron. I think it’s time to give him a taste of his own medicine. Rad, can ya hear me?

Rad: Yes. I’m here, Optimus.

Optimus: I want you to finish the repairs on Wing Dagger, then I’m gonna revive him with Energon. I sense that we may need his help very soon. Rad, sometimes the ones you least expect are the ones who show the greatest strength in battle.

Misha: Kicker, your dad’s been trying to contact you!

Kicker: Hmm? So what does he want?

Misha: I dunno, but the sooner we can get outta Unicron’s head, the better.

Kicker: I’ll get back to him later. Let’s work on gettin’ outta here.

Misha: Don’t forget —

Kicker: I’ve got more important things to worry about.

Ironhide: Huh?

Misha: There’s no reason to get angry. Your father’s just worried about you.

Kicker: Yeah, I know, duh. But he knows I can take care of myself. I wish he wouldn’t try to control everything!

Alpha Q: Who do you speak of?

Ironhide: Dr. Jones is Kicker’s father.

Q-3: What is a father?

Q-1: Is he like Kicker?

Q-2: Can we meet him, yesss?!

Kicker: No, because he’s back on Earth.

Q-2: Please let us see him!

Kicker: No way. Let’s go, Ironhide.

Ironhide: Huh? Go? Where to? Heeyy, wait up, Kicker! Kicker!

Q-2: Kicker’s father could be very useful to us, yessss…


Unicron: Aaaarrrrgggghhhh….

Megatron: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Perfect… We have all the Energon that we need. Hahaha… Hahahahahahahahaha. Shockblast!

Shockblast: Hmm?!

Megatron: Good work.

Shockblast: Ugggghhhhhh…

Mirage: Show Megatron more respect. He is our leader!

Shockblast: Ohhh, of course, Mirage! I have nothing but admiration for your fearless leader.

Mirage: Hmmm?!

Shockblast: Huh?!

Snow Cat: (Yodels.) What’s going on?!

Demolishor: Aaaahh! Oooh!

Mirage: Unicron — it moves!

Unicron: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Kicker: Ahh? Unicron?!

Ironhide: What?

Unicron: Arrrrrgggggghhhh…

Optimus: Here’s the plan. We’ll attack Unicron and defeat Megatron. Let’s do it.

Autobots: Right!

Megatron: So… our guests have arrived.

Kicker: We better see what’s going on over there. Alpha Q, take us in.

Scorponok: Alpha Q, what seems to be the matter?

Ironhide: Hey, why aren’t we moving?

Kicker: Come on, Alpha Q, get it in gear!

Misha: Is there something wrong?

Q-4: We must wait. The time is not right.

Hot Shot: Let’s do it, Jetfire!

Jetfire: Okay!

Rodimus: This could be the way in, men. Landmine, Prowl, follow me!

Landmine & Prowl: Yessir!

Snow Cat: (Yodels.)

Demolishor: Heheheeh, let’s get those Autobots!

Snow Cat: Uhh, Demolishor, why don’t we let Unicron take care of them for us?

Megatron: I heard that!

Snow Cat: (Yodels out of shock.)

Megatron: Unicron is transforming. You two get those Autobots and make quick work of it.

Kicker: Oh, no! It’s starting! C’mon, Ironhide. Let’s go see what’s holding up Alpha Q.

Ironhide: Uh, Kicker…

Kicker: What is it?

Ironhide: I gotta go. Optimus and the others need my help now.

Kicker: Huh?

Ironhide: They could be in trouble. I can’t just stay here and watch.

Kicker: I understand. Misha, this is Kicker. Open the warp gate. Ironhide’s moving out.

Ironhide: Thanks, pal.

Kicker: Just take care of yourself, all right, buddy?

Optimus: Watch yourself, Jetfire. Unicron is transforming.

Jetfire: Copy that, sir. Loud and clear! Transform! Huh? You!

Mirage: Heheheheheh… We meet again. Terrorcons, attack!

Prowl: Ohhh, no! Not them again!

Landmine: Prowl, come on! Move!

Prowl: Right!

Scorponok: Alpha Q.

Alpha Q: Wait, Scorponok.

Q-4: Do you really think you can win a battle against Unicron? It is transforming. It is too powerful.

Scorponok: I have to try.

Misha: Alpha Q, what’s wrong?

Q-4: I am afraid it may be too late for all of us.

Scorponok: Hmm…

Alpha Q: Unicron has no equal. It will be impossible for us to stop it.

Kicker: What are you saying, Alpha Q?

Misha: Kicker!

Kicker: Misha, go back to the ship. The battle has started. So Alpha Q, ya just gonna sit there?!

Q-4: I would join the battle, but I fear I know what the outcome would be.

Kicker: You don’t know how anything is gonna turn out! I want you to take us to Unicron’s body!

Q-4: Do you think you can control me by telling me what to do?

Kicker: Huh…?

Q-4: I can take care of myself.

Kicker: That sounds — awfully familiar.

Q-4: It should. You said the same thing when you spoke about your father, remember?

Kicker: Hhh?

Optimus: Autobots, attack!

Megatron: Hahahahahahahahahaha… Oh, their attacks against me are utterly useless.

Snow Cat: (Yodels.)

Inferno: Ugh! Egh… Yghh! Yghh!

Mirage: Mirage squash Autobots!

Jetfire: Yaah! Transform!

Ironhide: Jetfire!

Jetfire: Huh?

Ironhide: Looks like you could use a hand!

Jetfire: C’mon, it’s time to Powerlinx!

Ironhide: Okay!

Jetfire: Jetfire!

Ironhide: Ironhide!

Jetfire & Ironhide: Powerlinx!

Jetfire: Powerlinx Jetfire!

Q-4: I’m part of your team now?

Kicker: That’s right, and ya have to help us battle! All of our futures are depending on it!

Q-4: Very well, if I am to join this battle, I will need you to do something for me.

Kicker: What’s that?

Demolishor: Huhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuh!

Rodimus: Silence! You fool!

Demolishor: Huhuhuhhhh-hhh-huhhuh!

Shockblast: That’s it… Stay right where you are, Autobot!

Hot Shot: Rodimus!

Rodimus: Huh?!

Hot Shot: Aaahh!

Rodimus: Ugh!

Shockblast: Daah, he moved!

Megatron: Shockblast! Exactly who gave you the orders to fire on Unicron?

Rodimus: Hot Shot… thanks.

Hot Shot: Hey, would ya listen, Rodimus? I think —

Rodimus: Hmm?

Hot Shot: — you know. It’s time for us to Powerlinx.

Rodimus: Hmmm… Well, we do make a pretty good team, don’t we? Sure.

Hot Shot: All right, let’s do it!

Rodimus: Yes! Rodimus!

Hot Shot: Hot Shot!

Rodimus & Hot Shot: Powerlinx!

Rodimus: Rodimus Powerlinx!

Q-4: If we are going to face Unicron head-on, we’ll need all the available power. And I’ll require your help.

Kicker: Okay. What can I do? Just tell me.

Q-4: Give me Energon.

Kicker: Energon?

Misha: Hmm? Your dad could help us out!

Kicker: What?! But how?!

Misha: He could send us some of the Energon from Earth!

Kicker: Huh? Yeah, I guess. Well, I do owe him a call.

Misha: That’s right.

Kicker: I’ll give him a buzz, but later. The battle’s already started.

Misha: Fine, I’ll call him.

Kicker: Misha!

Q-4: She is a valuable part of your team, Kicker. You would see that if you weren’t so stubborn. Perhaps it’s time for you to open your eyes.

Misha: Come in, Dr. Jones! This is Misha on the Miranda II. We need your help!

Dr. Jones: So how’s it going, Misha? What can I do for ya today?

Misha: Dr. Jones, we need your help right away. Can you send some Energ — hmmm?

Kicker: — Let me tell him, ‘kay?

Dr. Jones: Hold on, Kicker! Where are your manners? Misha was talking to me!

Kicker: Sorry.

Dr. Jones: Huh?

Kicker: Help us, Dad.

Megatron: Hahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahaha! Aaahahahahaha! I can feel the power! There is no way Optimus can stop me now!

Optimus: Inferno, have you found a way in yet?

Inferno: No, Optimus. This place is sealed up tight!

Kicker: So that’s what we need, Dad. Right away. I know we’re asking a lot, but we need you to send all your Energon!

Dr. Jones: You want all the Energon? You can’t be serious!

Kicker: Yes, I am!

Dr. Jones: Hmm. Hehehe… All right, you can have it. It’s risky, Kicker. Earth will be vulnerable, but we’ll just take that chance!

Misha: Uhhh! Hhhh!

Kicker: Thanks a lot. Ughh?!

Misha: Hey, we’re moving.

Kicker: Slow down, Alpha Q. What’s the rush? I thought you needed a supply of Energon.

Q-4: There is no time. We must act now!

Alpha Q: Scorponok, prepare for impact.

Scorponok: Right.

Unicron: All right, Unicron, it’s time to destroy all the Autobots. Planet Cybertron is yours! Devour it!

Optimus: Ohhh no…

Rodimus: Planet Cybertron!

Scorponok: Clear the way! Look out, Alpha Q is coming through! Moooove!

Rodimus: What is he doing?!

Optimus: He’s going to crash into Unicron. Clear the way!

Kicker: Hey Alpha Q, I sure hope this works!

Alpha Q: Get away from here, Kicker. I can handle this on my own.

Kicker: So what’re you saying?

Misha: The Miranda II — it’s seperating!

Kicker: No way!

Misha: We’ve got to trust Alpha Q.

Megatron: Heh, heh, heh, heh. Here they come. Fools.

Kicker: We’re all clear, Alpha Q. Go for it!

Snow Cat: Arhehe! It’s gonna crash!

Megatron: Ha. Those dimwits will never survive. Hahaha! You see? Now you’re stuck here!

Q-1: We’ve cleared a path for you, Kicker! You can send your team in now!

Kicker: Thanks, Alpha Q!

Rodimus: Hmmm…

Optimus: Alpha Q has broken through Unicron’s armour! Now let’s go get Megatron.

Megatron: Heheheh… Ha, ha… Hahahahahahaha! All right… It’s time to come and get me, Optimus. But be careful, because you’re in for a big surprise. Hahaha!


Episode Notes

-They sure didn’t waste time getting Tidal Wave reformatted. The Autobots never left.

-Mirage’s voice has changed slightly from Tidal Wave’s.

-When Hot Shot says “Let’s do it, Jetfire!” and Jetfire says “okay!”, Inferno is the only one present with Hot Shot.

-The Insecticons make the bird noises that Divebombs should make.

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