Transformers: Energon
“Each One Fights…” – Episode 23
Written by Voicebox Productions

Shockblast: What?! Are you saying Unicron is starving, Megatron?

Megatron: Yes. He craves Energon, especially now that he awakens.

Shockblast: But there will be consequences if it doesn’t get any Energon soon.

Megatron: Don’t worry, Shockblast. I won’t let that happen.

Shockblast: Meaning?

Megatron: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I mean I fill his belly with planet Cybertron.

Shockblast: What?!

Starscream: What?! Feed him an entire planet?!

Demolishor: That’s one super-sized meal.

Starscream: Huh.

Shockblast: Yeah… Sounds like a plan.

Megatron: Shockblast, I am personally putting you in charge of this entire operation.

Shockblast: All right! Okay men, you heard Megatron! Let’s all meet in the depature bay, stat!

Starscream: Hrgghhh…

Demolishor: Snow Cat, you can go in my place. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Snow Cat: Are you nuts? Tidal Wave, we nominate you.

Tidal Wave: Tidal Wave disagree. You go!

Shockblast: I’m not asking for volunteers. I’m giving orders.

Snow Cat: Yessir. We’re out of here, sir. I don’t get why Megatron put that goon in charge of us.

Tidal Wave: Tidal Wave does not trust Shockblast.

Megatron: So Shockblast, what should we do about that annoying Energon grid?

Shockblast: Leave that to me, Megatron. I’ll take care of it.

Megatron: You’d better hope you do…

Kicker: Hey Alpha Q! Peekaboo! I know you’re in there, so stop playing hide-and-go-seek with me. If you don’t answer me right now, ya freak, you’ll be sorry! I’m gonna show you a little game we play on earth called “Kick the Can!”

Scorponok: Enough!

Kicker: Huh?

Scorponok: I suggest you leave Alpha Q be, Kicker.

Kicker: Butt out, Scorponok! I don’t have time for this. Egh, aah, ahh!

Ironhide: Grow up, Kicker. Alpha Q’s a little tired after Unicron’s rampage.

Kicker: Oh, like I really care. We gotta wake up that poor excuse for an octapus before Megatron totally destroys Cybertron! Aaagghh!

Rodimus: Just let him be for now, Kicker. I think Alpha Q has been through quite a lot.

Kicker: Sure, but don’t say I didn’t warn you guys.

Optimus: Jetfire, status report!

Jetfire: Unicron is starting to move, Optimus. And it appears to be getting closer to Cybertron.

Optimus: Good work, Jetfire. Rad, initiate the Energon grid at once.

Rad: No prob, Optimus!

Optimus: All units, prepare for battle! We’ll depart for Cybertron at once.

Rodimus: Optimus! Optimus!

Optimus: Huh? Rodimus!

Rodimus: Forgive the intrusion, but we’re coming with you.

Arcee: Mmm!

Skyblast Units: Ugh!

Optimus: Ugh!

Hot Shot: Egh!

Inferno: Egh!

Ironhide: Uhh!

Kicker: Egh. Hhh… Now why do you have to be this way, Alpha Q? All this waiting around for you to rest up is a total waste of time.

Misha: Getting mad doesn’t help either.

Kicker: Hh?

Misha: You can’t get all stressed out about it either. Ya gotta be a little more patient.

Kicker: For your 411, we don’t have time to be patient, Misha!

Misha: Kicker, cool it! You can’t go alone. I’m coming with you.

Kicker: You’ve gotta be kidding!

Misha: Well, doesn’t look like you’re getting anywhere.

Kicker: Give me a break… You’re gonna talk to him?

Misha: Hey… You never know till ya try.

Kicker: You’re… not serious…

Misha: Awhh.

Kicker: Misha, wait up!

Rad: Aww, man. This is no good. It’s still too far away.

Jetfire: Huh? Unicron’s stopped moving!

Rad: What?

Jetfire: I’ve locked on the mobile fortress. Okay, Rad, let’s blow that baby to smithereens.

Rad: Okay!

Wing Dagger: I’m here, guys! Now where’s that dirty Decepticon?!

Jetfire: Huh? Mind telling us who you are?

Wing Dagger: Huh? Oh, right. I’m Wing Dagger. I was guarding Shockblast, who — well, uh, kinda escaped on my watch.

Jetfire: Shockblast?

Wing Dagger: Yeah, you know, the Decepticon? I’m sure you’ve heard of ‘im. And, if I don’t find him, I’m in a heap of trouble. Where are you, Shockblast?

Shockblast: Okay men, I want you to listen up… And listen up good. You are now my elite troop, under my command. And I won’t stand for any insubordination! We’re about to commence attack on Cybertron, where together… we will obliterate the planet!

Decepticons: Yeaaaahh! All right!

Snow Cat: Ya hear that? We’re an elite troop.

Demolishor: Ughgh… He meant us too, right?!

Snow Cat: Yeah of course, you idiot!

Tidal Wave: Aghhhh…

Starscream / Demolishor / Snow Cat: Huh?

Snow Cat: Incoming! Get down!

Shockblast: Everyone! Just remain calm! Ha… Just like I thought. Nice shooting, Megatron.

Snow Cat: Huh?

Starscream: But that wasn’t Megatron firing. I’m sure of it!

Tidal Wave: Tuhhh… tght…

Megatron: I’m so sick and tired of hearing excuses! I demand results, or this is on your head, Shockblast!

Optimus Prime: Optimus Prime… Transform!

Ironhide: Ironhide, transform!

Hot Shot: Hot Shot, transform!

Inferno: Inferno… Transform!

Prowl: Prowl, transform!

Landmine: Landmine, transform!

Rodimus: Rodimus, transform!

Optimus: Optimus Prime, Powerlinx! Fire-1, combine! Copter-2, combine! Digger-3, combine! Submarine-4! Optimus Prime, Powerlinx complete!


Jetfire: Hh… Hhh… We got trouble, Optimus!

Optimus: Is it Unicron?

Jetfire: Yeah, and it looks like we’re about to be hit by the Decepticons!

Optimus: Not good…

Shockblast: The time has come for my elite troop to attack. Now get out there and win one for Megatron!

Decepticons: Oh yeah!

Shockblast: Destroy all Energon towers!

Snow Cat: Well, shall we?

Demolishor: After you, Snow Cat. Heheh.

Shockblast: Wait…

Snow Cat & Demolishor: Huh?

Shockblast: I said “my elite troop.”

Starscream: What’s the problem?

Demolishor: Are you saying we’re not good enough, Shockblast?

Snow Cat: Hey, didn’t I tell you we couldn’t trust this creepy excuse for a cyclops? Just who does he think he is anyway, huh?

Shockblast: The only reason why you’re here is because you’re all Megatron’s obedient lapdogs. Now quit your yapping.

Tidal Wave: Why you little…!

Starscream: No! Don’t, Tidal Wave.

Shockblast: Heh. All right. You whiners can come. Maybe you can even destroy an Energon tower or two. But don’t you clowns even think about getting in my way.

Q-1: Who is it?! Someone’s coming!

Scorponok: Huh?

Q-1: Yes, and I do believe it’s Kicker!

Q-2: Oh, I’m much too tired to see him. Send him away!

Q-3: Wait! Kicker does not come alone. I sense another human.

Q-2: I believe you’re right…

Q-1: Oh, I’m right, all right! It’s Misha! Misha, Misha! Hahaha!

Q-4: Shall we scare her?

Scorponok: I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Alpha Q.

Q-4: Oh, allow me this bit of fun… Oh, wait… It’s not up to you.

Misha: Uhh! Hhh.. Hhh! Aahh-hhh!

Kicker: Energon Saber!

Misha: Egh?

Kicker: Misha! Hey, don’t you dare touch her! Rrgh!

Misha: No! Kicker, stop! Don’t hurt them!

Kicker: Eghh! C’mon, have you totally lost it, Misha?! Alpha Q’s behind this whole mess!

Misha: Please, you have to trust me on this one.

Kicker: Buh… but you can’t be serious…

Misha: (VO) I know what I’m doing.

Kicker: No, it’s too dangerous!

Misha: Back off, Kicker. I think I can handle this! Okay, that’s far enough, Alpha Q. Now out of our way!

Kicker: It’s working! Just watch yourself. Eghh! Why is he listening to her?

Shockblast: It’s time, soldiers! Attack!

Decepticons: Yeaaaahh!

Shockblast: Go, go, go!

Decepticons: Aaaaaaahhhhh!

Snow Cat: (Yodels.) Just follow my lead, boys. (Yodels.)

Demolishor: Haha, ha! Not if I get those Energon towers first, losers!

Tidal Wave: It’s time to show Shockblast who’s elite!

Shockblast: Fire, Decepticons! Destroy!

Decepticons: Yeaahh!

Snow Cat: (Yodels.)

Demolishor: Hrgghh!

Tidal Wave: Tidal Wave!

Shockblast: What?!

Optimus: Get in position, men. Keep firing. We must protect the towers.

Hot Shot: Hey Inferno, whaddya say we Powerlinx?

Inferno: Yeah, let’s do it. Inferno!

Hot Shot: Hot Shot!

Inferno & Hot Shot: Powerlinx!

Inferno: Powerlinx Inferno! Eraah, egh, egh, egh!

Shockblast: Don’t just stand there! Fire back!

Demolishor: Heheh, heh… Shockblast’s “elite” boys are getting bombared! Heheh!

Snow Cat: (Yodels.) I just love this!

Starscream: But we can’t let this happen! We’ve got to help them!

Snow Cat: (Yodels.) This’ll be a piece of cake! We’ve got ’em outnumbered, so let’s wipe ’em out!

Tidal Wave: Tidal Wave has no choice.

Shockblast: Ha, I’ll let those lugheads finish off Cybertron. Transform!

Tidal Wave: Shockblast is ditching!

Starscream: Don’t worry about that bozo!

Tidal Wave: Hrggh…!

Kicker: Ugh! Ugh! Yaah! You mind getting out of my way?

Scorponok: Leave him alone! Alpha Q is busy.

Misha: Well then I guess I’ll wait until he’s not busy.

Scorponok: Huh? No! Come back! Huh? Kicker!

Misha: Yoohoo, Alpha Q… I hate to disturb you. I know you might be busy, but we need to have a little chat. So if you just spin around to your logical head and just listen to me for a minute, you can go back to being “busy.”

Scorponok: That’s far enough, human. I can’t let you through.

Kicker: Oh yeah?! Well, I’d like to see you try and stop me, Scorp-o-noxious!

Scorponok: Then I will grant your wish. Transform! Aaaarggghh-uggghhh! Eraaahh!

Kicker: Uhh! Hey, Misha!

Misha: Hey, are you listening? It’s time to concentrate. I’m here to work with you. Look, all of you work together — in that tin can — it’s time to let someone else help. Everything will be just fine, okay?

Kicker: Outta my way, ya freak! What’s going on?

Decepticons: Aaaaaahhh!

Demolishor: Heheheheheheh!

Snow Cat: (Yodels.) Whoa!

Optimus: Huh?! The tower!

Ironhide: Don’t worry! I’m on it, sir!

Optimus: No, Ironhide! Come back!

Tidal Wave: Tidal Wave!

Optimus: Rodimus, you take over here. Got it?!

Rodimus: No problem, Prime!

Ironhide: Ugh… ugh… ugh… ugh…

Snow Cat: (Yodels.) Come and get it, Auto-creeps!

Optimus: Yah! Yaah! That was close.

Ironhide: Yeah. Too close, Optimus.


Misha: Who’s your friend here? Are you listening? Nobody’s trying to hurt you. Everyone just wants to make sure no harm comes to you.

Alpha Q: Lies…

Misha: Huh?

Alpha Q: Everything you say is a lie.

Misha: Boy, I really wish you would stop that and listen to me.

Alpha Q: Why should we?

Misha: Because we’re trying to work as a team here, trying to save your planet, my planet and Cybertron. It’s time to get on board with us, Alpha Q.

Optimus: Hold it right there!

Shockblast: Looks like you’re a little late, Prime! Hahahahaha!

Optimus: Hurry, Ironhide! Take cover!

Ironhide: Yessir!

Shockblast: That’s it! Run like the vermin you are!

Wing Dagger: Give it up, Shockblast!

Shockblast: Huh? Hrghh! Grgghh! Aaarggh!

Wing Dagger: It’s back to the slammer for you, pal!

Shockblast: Think again!

Ironhide: Optimus-sir!

Optimus: Huh? Oh, no! Wing Dagger, let go! Don’t be a fool!

Wing Dagger: No can do, Optimus. He’s my prisoner, and I can’t let go.

Optimus: It’s too dangerous! Just cut him loose!

Ironhide: Don’t be a fool!

Shockblast: Let go of me, you oaf!

Wing Dagger: Not — on — your — life!

Shockblast: Why does this always have to happen to me?!

Wing Dagger: There’s nowhere to run, Shockblast!

Alpha Q: We’ve all lost so much…

Misha: Hhh!

Kicker: (In flashback) Hehehehehehe!

Misha: It’s Kicker… When he was young!

Alpha Q: And when he was innocent. That Kicker doesn’t exist anymore. He’s gone forever.

Misha: You’re wrong. You just don’t know him.

Kicker: Hhh?!

Misha: Kicker has grown up so much. You know, I tease him a lot, but he just might be able to save us all in the end.

Snow Cat: Ha! They sure don’t look elite to me.

Demolishor: Hwa, hwa, hwa, hwa, hwa! And those pinheads don’t stand a chance without us.

Megatron: You idiots! What in the universe are you doing?!

Snow Cat & Demolishor: Huh?

Starscream: Megatron-sir!

Megatron: How long does it take to destroy a few Energon towers?!

Starscream: Wasn’t Shockblast in charge?

Megatron: In all this time, I see you’ve knocked over one or two of those towers — But my orders were to have them all destroyed, you morons!

Misha: So, Alpha Q, why did you try to fight?

Alpha Q: We needed to get our planet back.

Misha: That’s the same reason why Kicker’s fighting. He wants planet Earth to be safe again. And there’s only one way to do that.

Alpha Q: Yes, we understand you.

Q-4: Megatron must be destroyed.

Misha: Oh, you’re awake!

Q-1: Destroyed at once!

Q-3: There is no time to waste.

Q-2: Let’s get to it.

Qs: It’s time to get our planet back.

Misha: Hh.

Kicker: I agree.

Misha: Hh — ohh?

Kicker: Alpha Q’s finally talkin’ some sense.

Scorponok: Well, he’s not to me. Not one bit.

Misha: Heheheh…

Shockblast: I said — let go!

Wing Dagger: Sorry, Shockblast, but my job is to take you in!

Ironhide: Do the smart thing and release him, Wing Dagger!

Optimus: Jetfire!

Jetfire: What’s up, Optimus?

Optimus: Get out there and help Wing Dagger!

Jetfire: You got it, sir!

Megatron: Hahahahahaha! Well, it looks like we meet again, Optimus Prime!

Optimus: Megatron!

Megatron: I certainly hope you don’t mind if I step in! After all, Cybertron is ripe with Energon, and perfect for reviving Unicron.

Optimus: That’s not going to happen!

Rodimus: Hrgggh.

Shockblast: You’re starting to bug me!

Megatron: Tidal Wave!

Tidal Wave: Hrhhh?

Megatron: I want you to get that leech off of Shockblast’s back!

Tidal Wave: You cannot get past me, Autobot.

Jetfire: That’s what you think! Just watch me!

Shockblast: I’ve had enough of this mindless game! Hang on, loser! Sorry, chump, but this is the end of the line!

Wing Dagger: What?!

Shockblast: And don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Tidal Wave: Tidal Wave…

Shockblast: Oh! What the?!

Tidal Wave: Hmm?

Shockblast: Out of my way, you idiot!

Tidal Wave: But I’m supposed to help.

Wing Dagger: Erggh!

Shockblast: Errrrggghhhh!

Ironhide: Wing Dagger! Just let him go!

Optimus: Hhh! Wing Dagger!

Megatron: Ha! What took you so long? I thought you were a tough guy, Shockblast.

Shockblast: Get off my case! The last thing I need right now is a critic.

Tidal Wave: Tidal Wave… Tidal Wave!

Megatron: Tidal Wave! Ah! Help me get this Decepticon out of here!

Demolishor, Snow Cat & Starscream: Errggghhh!

Shockblast: Transform! Come back here! I’m in command! Are you dissing me?! You’ll pay for this! Every last one of you will pay!

Ironhide: Ergh, hhhh… hhhh. Wing Dagger!

Optimus: He’s gone, Ironhide. Wing Dagger did what he had to do. Remember, our mission is to protect Cybertron.


Episode Notes

-Ironhide’s mouth moves when Prime says “Hurry, Ironhide! Take cover!”

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