Transformers: Energon
“Go For Unicron!” – Episode 16
Written by Voicebox Productions
Transcription by New Brandon

Megatron: This is not your problem, Scorponok. My strategy is to pin down the location of Alpha Q, and you’re going to be the bait.

Scorponok: Well, I’m not so sure I like the sound of that, Megatron.

Megatron: I don’t really care what you think, soldier.

Snow Cat: Yodoyodallay! Yodoyodallay!

Q-1: So what can we do now?!

Q-2: There’s nothing we can do!

Scorponok: Yaaaaaarrrrrrgghhh! Yaaaaaaahhhh!

Megatron: Ha, ha, ha. My plan is already in motion, and everything is beginning to come together. All that’s left to do is to sit back and observe as Scorponok plays the part of the trapped fly. And once that dim-witted Alpha Q comes to save his worthless minion, we pounce.

Scorponok: Aaaaaarggghhh! Aaaaaahhh! Whoaaaaaa! Waaaaaargghhh! Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh! Huaaaaaaahhhh!

Q-2: Oh my! We simply must help Scorponok!

Q-3: Don’t worry, he will survive. But if it continues, we must rescue him.

Q-2: But what if it is one of Megatron’s traps?

Q-1: Quit your worrying!

Q-2: I can’t help it! You know I have a soft spot for Scorponok!

Q-4: Be patient. We won’t leave him to perish.

Carlos: This is Carlos Lopez, reporting from Midway Gate Station 8! I need to speak to Optimus and I need to speak to him pronto! Optimus, come in! Hurry, you gotta come in!

Optimus: I’m here, Carlos. What is it?

Carlos: I’ve pinpointed two signals, sir. But — they’re coming from two seperate places.

Optimus: Are you sure?

Carlos: Positive.

Ironhide: Optimus, I can explain that one, sir. After all, I was the one who planted those transmitters.

Carlos: Are you sure that they’re the same transmitters? Because something doesn’t make sense. They’re light years apart, sir.

Optimus: Come again?

Carlos: Different planetary systems.

Optimus: Impossible.

Carlos: Check it out. Here’s the grid. And the only conclusion I come to, is our enemy clearly has two bases.

Hot Shot: You mean another one besides Unicron? Carlos, did you triangulate their positions using a warp response?

Carlos: About a hundred times, and each time I come up with two bases.

Optimus: Hmm… Well maybe it’s some kind of strategy to prevent us from pinning them down.

Carlos: I never thought of that.

Optimus: The only way to be sure is to assess the situation ourselves. Carlos, transmit all of your data.

Carlos: I am on it, Optimus!

Megatron: This is beginning to annoy me. Why hasn’t anyone shown up yet?

Starscream: I haven’t seen anything move for hours. Huh?

Megatron: What is it, Starscream?

Starscream: I’m not sure. Wait a second. It looks like a ship!

Megatron: Well, who’s ship?!

Landmine: Rodimus-sir, I suggest we re-think our strategy to avoid falling into a possible enemy ambush.

Prowl: I agree, sir.

Rodimus: Then you two stay onboard here. I’ll go on ahead and rescue Scorponok myself.

Prowl: But… but sir, what if it’s a trap? What do we do now?

Landmine: Heh. Don’t worry, Prowl. There’s no way I’m letting him go out there on his own.

Prowl: Hey… Wait, Landmine! I am going too! If Rodimus is going out there, so am I!

Starscream: I’ve located the ship, Megatron, and I’m preparing to identify its origin. Will take pre-empted strike action if necessary.

Rodimus: Can I help you?!

Starscream: Who are you?! Did Alpha Q send you?!

Rodimus: That’s not important.

Starscream: What is going on here?!

Prowl: You’re under arrest, soldier!

Starscream: Heh, heh, heh, heh, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha….

Prowl: Where’d he go?! He can’t do that!

Starscream: Hehahahahaha…

Rodimus: Men, get down. Dive for cover. Do it!

Prowl: Huh? Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

Landmine: Aaaaaaaaahhhh!

Prowl: Ohhh!

Landmine: What was that?!

Rodimus: It’s you… Megatron!

Megatron: So, we meet again, Rodimus!

Rodimus: And I can clearly see you haven’t changed since our last meeting, have you?! How dare you use Scorponok as a pawn like that. The time has come to put an end to your flagarant abuse, Megatron.

Megatron: Thanks for your totally worthless opinion, but what I do with my soldiers is my business. And may I suggest, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll mind your own business, Rodimus! Fire!

Rodimus: Prowl, Powerlinx.

Prowl: Right!

Rodimus: Rodimus, Powerlinx.

Prowl: Prowl, Powerlinx!

Rodimus & Prowl: Powerlinx!

Rodimus: Powerlinx Rodimus!

Snow Cat: Hehehehahahaha! If you think transforming if gonna save ya, think again!

Rodimus: Huh?!

Snow Cat: Hahahahahahaha! You’re all mine! Huh?! Aaaaahh! Aaahh! Aaaahh! Aaaaaaaaaaahhh! Don’t worry… I’m fine.

Megatron: Hhhhrgghh… Destroy them!

Landmine: Transform!

Scorponok: Hmmm… hrghh… Huh? Rodimus! I… don’t believe it!

Q-1: Powerlinx Rodimus!

Starscream: Hrggghaaaaaaahhh! Errrrrgggggggghhhh!

Demolishor: Hrggghhh…. ergh!

Starscream: Ooh. Oh no, here he comes again!

Megatron: Hrrrrrggggghhh…

Tidal Wave: Tidal Wave protect Megatron. I’m in trouble!

Rodimus: Out of my way, soldier!

Tidal Wave: Hwaaahh!

Megatron: Get out of my way, you idiot! I’ll handle it!

Rodimus: Aaargghh!

Megatron: Huh? Hmm, heheheh… Aaaahh!

Demolishor: What the? Megatron! Megatron… Megatron! Are you all right, sir?

Megatron: What does it look like?

Demolishor: Do you want us to withdraw, sir?

Megatron: Oh, don’t be a fool.

Demolishor: But everyone has sustained damage.

Snow Cat: Let me at ’em…

Starscream: Yaaaaaaaahhhh!

Megatron: Retreat, retreat!

Rodimus: You’re so predictable, Megatron!

Megatron: Don’t get your hopes up. I’ll be back. And when I make my return, Rodimus, I’ll be coming especially for you! Hahahaha!

Rodimus: So, Scorponok, how are you fairing? Are you able to be transported? I think we should get you back to your planet right now.

Scorponok: Give me a break. What do you care about my planet? Are you saying you’re going to help me now?!

Q-1: Don’t listen to him, Scorponok!

Q-3: Mark my words, Rodimus cannot be trusted. He’s only toying with you.

Q-2: And who likes being toyed with?

Q-1: Don’t be deceived by his hypocrisy!

Optimus: So, Dr. Jones, why did you call this meeting, anyway?

Dr. Jones: Good question! I have a little presentation to make. With Optimus and his men out protecting us here on planet Earth, it gave me the chance to develop a working prototype space transport. It will enable all of us to safely travel to various planets in our solar system to aid in our search for Energon. Never before has such a vehicle, with such incredible technology been attempted. And my hope is to see an increase in Energon acquisitions.

Autobots: Whoooooaaaa….

Ironhide: It’s huge…

Dr. Jones: Ha, ha, ha, ha. The ship is powered by a reconfigured small-scale Energon tower of my own design. And in honour of my wife, I present to you the Miranda II!

Autobots: Whoa!

Kicker: Hhh…

Ironhide: Whoa, that is one impressive machine. So Kicker, what do you think of it, huh?

Kicker: Oh, I was just thinking about something.

Ironhide: Huh? Oh, right.


Hot Shot: For a human, Dr. Jones did a pretty impressive job. That makes our job finding Energon a lot easier.

Inferno: Yeah, but let’s just hope the Decepticons keep their distance, Hot Shot.

Ironhide: There’s nothing to worry about as long as I’m on the job. So, ya with me on that, Kicker?

Kicker: Huh?

Ironhide: Hey, don’t worry, buddy. I’ll protect ya. I know how you get when you’re out in space.

Kicker: I’m the one who always has to cover for you!

Optimus: All right… Could I have everyone’s attention? Listen, if your name is called out, you’re apart of my next mission. Strongarm and Skyblast.

Strongarm: You got it.

Skyblast: Yessir.

Strongarm: We’re here to protect it, sir, Optimus-sir. Whatever you need, you can count on us.

Skyblast: No job is too big, sir!

Optimus: And my final choice…

Kicker: Are you serious? Misha?!

Skyblast: It’s nice to have a fresh face around here.

Kicker: Man!

Misha: Energon systems specialist Misha reporting for duty, Optimus-sir.

Ironhide: Glad to have you onboard.

Dr. Jones: So, has everyone familiarized themselves with the ship?

All: Yes!

Dr. Jones: Very good. Then it’s time to get this show on the road. Signal Flare, prepare the spacebridge! Set flight path projectory for Asteroid City. Engage Energon fuel system and fire engine.

Signal Flare: Projectory set and engines fired. All systems are go, sir!

Optimus: Welcome aboard the Miranda II. On this, our maiden voyage, we have two initial targets — both the transmitters that have been placed on either end of the planetary system. For our mission to be deemed a success, we will destroy those transmitters, thus destroying Unicron. And everyone, let’s make this a safe mission. Engage launch sequence! Fire thruster!

Dr. Jones: Good luck, all. And remember, a successful mission is a safe mission.

Snow Cat: Megatron, we got big problems!

Megatron: What is it? What’s wrong, Snow Cat?

Snow Cat: We detected an Autobot ship, sire! And it appears to be headed this way!

Megatron: What? I wasn’t expecting anyone.

Optimus: Skyblast, it’s time to deploy the Energon ring. Launch on my command!

Skyblast: Yessir.

Optimus: Launch!

Skyblast: Energon ring deployed! Range, two thousand… three thousand… five thousand metres!

Optimus: Engage ring formation!

Skyblast: Ring formation engaged, sir.

Optimus: Activate spacebridge generator.

Skyblast: Generating sequence activated! All systems are go!

Hot Shot: Uh oh! We’ve got trouble, Optimus!

Optimus: What’s wrong?

Inferno: A Decepticon warp response, sir!

Optimus: Put it on the screen.

Megatron: So what is that worthless warrior Prime up to?

Demolishor: Well by the looks of it, Megatron-sir, I’d say they’re setting up a spacebridge.

Megatron: I am not an idiot! Stop them! Destroy that Autobot ship at once! Go, go, go!

Cyclonus: Heheheheheheh! Ooh, I just love playing with those nimrod Autobots.

Inferno: Decepticons detected, sir!

Optimus: Misha! Deploy the Energon shield as fast as you can!

Misha: Right. I’ll have it up and operational in no time, guys.

Strongarm: Yeah, like she said, Optimus… Just give us the word.

Skyblast: Waiting your command, sir!

Optimus: Activate spacebridge!

Skyblast: Sequence initiated. Will deploy in 3… 2…

Snow Cat: Oh, no you don’t!

Optimus & Inferno: Hhh!

Hot Shot: Bad news, Optimus! The spacebridge has been hit. Number two ring is toast. The whole thing is inoperable.

Skyblast: Hot Shot, I can fix it.

Strongarm: Yeah, but only from the outside.

Ironhide: I’ll help, Skyblast!

Skyblast: It’s charged with raw Energon, so you won’t be able to get near it.

Ironhide: Yeah, you’re right.

Optimus: Skyblast, take Strongarm with you and repair the spacebridge. We’ll keep you covered, understand?

All: Yessir!

Optimus: Kicker and Misha, you stay onboard the ship.

Kicker: What?!

Optimus: And Kicker, you’re in charge. Misha, activate the Energon shield once it’s fully charged. Got that?

Misha: Yes, sir.

Optimus: Optimus Prime, Powerlinx! Fire-1, combine! Copter-2, combine! Digger-3, combine! Submarine-4! Optimus Prime, Powerlinx complete! Okay men, time to get our hands dirty!

Jetfire, Inferno, Hot Shot & Ironhide: Right!

Kicker: So Skyblast, you think you can fix it?

Skyblast: Well, I think I found the problem, Kicker, but I estimate it will take me about ten minutes to patch it up.

Kicker: Oh.

Misha: Kicker! I’ve just detected incoming and they’re closing in fast on Skyblast.

Kicker: Hurry. Bring up the monitor. Skyblast! Heads up! Looks like you’ve got company!

Skyblast: Boy, you’re not kidding!

Snow Cat: Hehahaha! Knock, knock… Anybody home? Hahahaha!


Optimus: Ugh! Hurry, men! We’ve got to protect Skyblast and Strongarm at all costs!

Megatron: Think again, Prime.

Ironhide: You’re not…

Snow Cat: Oohh!

Ironhide: Going…

Snow Cat: Oooh!

Ironhide: Anywhere!

Snow Cat: Aaaaaaaahhhh! Yaaahah!

Ironhide: So who taught ya how to shoot? Huh?!

Snow Cat: Hahahaha!

Skyblast & Strongarm: Ughh!

Ironhide: Oh no!

Snow Cat: Hahahahaha! Ohh-ho-ho-haaa!

Ironhide: Noooo!

Snow Cat: Heheheha! Huh? Aaaaaahhh! Ugggh!

Skyblast & Strongarm: Uggghh! Aaaaaaahhhh!

Ironhide: You all right?

Strongarm: I’ve felt better.

Kicker: Status report.

Ironhide: Nothing serious, but it looks like we can’t finish the job out here.

Kicker: What?!

Ironhide: Someone’s gotta repair that ring or the space bridge won’t open.

Optimus: But only an Omnicon can get close enough to raw Energon to do the work.

Jetfire: What do we do, sir? Retreat back to Earth?

Hot Shot: We can’t bail out because Unicron can be revived.

Inferno: Optimus!

Ironhide: Incoming!

Kicker: I’ll do it.

Misha: Hhh!

Kicker: Don’t worry. Just open the spacebridge when I tell you.

Misha: But you can’t!

Kicker: You and I both know it’s our only chance, Misha!

Misha: Kicker!

Kicker: It’s now or never. There’s no way I’m giving up until I give it my best shot. I’ve come to far to just pack it in. Hhh… Aah! Aaaahh! Hhh… Oh no! I’m totally outta control!

Ironhide: Hang in there, Kicker! Just use your body to control your momentum! Hey! Ya gotta do as I say, you understand?! Don’t worry, buddy, we’re lookin’ out for ya!

Kicker: Ughh!

Misha: Listen to Ironhide, Kicker. You just gotta listen to him!

Jetfire: Do it, Kicker!

Inferno: Yeah!

Hot Shot: Do it!

Ironhide: Use your body, Kicker! It’ll help you move in zero-gravity. C’mon, bud, you can do it!

Kicker: I just gotta concentrate.

Jetfire: We’re right behind ya, big guy. Now do it!

Inferno: Hurry!

Optimus: We’re behind you!

Kicker: C’mon Kicker, give your head a shake. There’s too much riding on this mission. You’ve gotta concentrate, gain control of your body movement and once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to steer yourself.

Ironhide: You can do this, Kicker. We’re here for ya. We’ll watch your back. Now just get control of yourself, okay? Do it! And ya gotta hurry! There isn’t much time. We can’t hold those Decepti-creeps off much longer!

Kicker: I can do this! I did it, Ironhide! I did it! Heheh, yeah!

Ironhide: Yeah, Kicker! I’m proud of you, buddy. All you had to do is believe in yourself and it’s easy.

Starscream: Hehehaha…

Hot Shot: Starscream!

Kicker: What?!

Ironhide: Skyblast, you gotta tell Kicker what to do, okay? I’ll keep Starscream busy.

Skyblast: Right!

Ironhide: Aaaaaaahhhh! Waaaaaaaahhh!

Starscream: Eggggh! Yah! Er-yah!

Skyblast: That’s it. Now grab the green-tipped alkalizer plug and insert it into the center jack on the defuser panel. You did it, Kicker!

Kicker: All right! Misha, open the spacebridge. C’mon Skyblast, we’re outta here.

Misha: Move it, Kicker! We’re running outta time. Activate! The spacebridge is open for business, boys! Stand back, everyone. Deploying the shield now! Let’s do this!

Snow Cat: What’s going on?!

Demolishor: Huh? No, an Energon shield!

Megatron: Ugh!

Ironhide: Optimus! Heads up! Behind you!

Megatron: Arggghh-ugh!

Optimus: Uhh!

Megatron: Ergh!

Optimus: Yaaaaaahh!

Megatron: Arggh! Errrr, why you —

Optimus: Huh?!

Demolishor: Ohhhh!

Snow Cat: Huh?

Jetfire: Huh?

Kicker: What in the world is that?!

Ironhide: Whaa…

Misha: We’ve done it! Spacebridge connection is complete. Energon shield stable and commencing launch sequence through spacebridge now. C’mon, get in!

Skyblast: C’mon, we gotta get onboard the ship!

Ironhide: Let’s move it, men!

Demolishor: Just look what you’ve done to me! You will pay for this, Prime! Mark my words — you’ll pay!

Ironhide: Hurry! Get in the ship!

Hot Shot: C’mon, men! Move it! Move it!

Ironhide: Yaaaah!

Megatron: This is… far from… over! Eggh! All right, men! Back to base!

Optimus: Fire launch rocket! So, Kicker…

Kicker: Huh?

Optimus: I’d like to thank you for what you did out there.

Kicker: Hey, I was just trying to help. No big deal. And I couldn’t have done it without Misha.

Misha: Oh, look at Mr. Modesty.

Kicker: That was a compliment.

Misha: Heheheh…

Kicker: Ehh. Thanks for all your help, Misha. And I got a feeling we got a lot more work ahead of us.


Episode Notes

-Rodimus is performed by Brian Dobson, Paul’s younger brother.

-In both episode 14 and 15, the implication is clearly made Ironhide only had two transmitters, so how come two Terrorcons have transmitters?

-Strongarm’s voice is not pitched at all in this episode.

-When Skyblast says he can fix the number two ring, Strongarm delivers the response in Hot Shot’s voice. Either that, or the animation was intended to show Hot Shot. It’s hard to tell with this error.

-Strongarm delivers two of Ironhide’s lines. I’m sure they were meant for Ironhide, due to the fact that it sounds as if the Omnicons are incapacitated. Honestly, I don’t see how they missed this one.

-Isn’t it odd that Ironhide was telling everyone to get in the ship, but was the last one in? Ironhide’s compassion for Demolishor was overlooked in the dialogue, but is still there.

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