Armada Episode 50 – Unity

January 9th, 2012

Transformers: Armada
“Unity” – Episode 50
Written by Terry Klassen and Ward Perry
Transcription by Brandon Williams

Narrator: The battlefield has shifted. The Autobots and Decepticons are racing through space to face the greatest evil the Transformers have ever encountered. They have entered… the Unicron Battles.


Narrator: The Autobots and the Decepticons launch a united assault against their new foe. The combined force of these armadas could easily lay waste to anything in its path. However, this new enemy is unlike any other being in the universe. The size of a planet… Its armour inpenetrable… Its name… Unicron.

Galvatron: All units, retreat. Retreat to the safe zone immediately.

Thrust: Hahahaha! That’s it, fly away! Look, Unicron, they’re retreating! They’re powerless against your awesome strength! Hahahaha! This is working just as a planned! After all, I am the greatest military tactician in the universe! Erggh, Sideways should’ve listened to me.


Sideways: Erggghh… ugh! Your work is done, Thrust. Leave us now. I can take it from here.

Thrust: Nuhh… But what do you mean?

Sideways: You’re in the way! Now get lost before I lose my temper.

Thrust: But Sideways!

Sideways: Ergghh…

Thrust: I… understand. In that case, as his new right-hand man, I’ll send away the entire guard outside aswell. Ehhh…

Sideways: Heh. Yeah right.

[End Flashback]

Thrust: Of course, if you’re planning on double-crossing me, Sideways, maybe I should take care of you first… Heh, heh, yes… That’s what I’ll do!


Optimus: That’s right. Retreat to the safe zone. Galvatron and I are going to plan the next attack strategy.

Red Alert: Roger. We’ll re-locate for the time being and I’ll get these children to a safe location.

Carlos: What a gyp. Those two are finally working together and we don’t get to do a thing!

Billy: Well, I don’t mind moving farther out of range.

Fred: Yeah, it’s snack time anyway.

Rad: Okay, but call us if you need our help.

Alexis: Unicron must have a weak spot somewhere.

Demolishor: Sorry, kid. Not by my calculations. I’ve done a full scan of Unicron’s entire frame work and I don’t see a thing. The armour appears to be extremely thick, and there doesn’t appear to be any vulnerable points anywhere. But I’ll analyze it once more, just incase.

Hot Shot: Good job! All right! Whoa, what’s going on out there?!

Wheeljack: Wait, Hot Shot! I say we take him out!

Optimus: What?!

Wheeljack: It doesn’t look like he’s coming this way.

Cyclonus: Boy, what a strange time to stretch out the limbs.

Unicron: Aaaaahhh!

Hot Shot: No! He wouldn’t dare! I won’t let him!

Wheeljack: Wait, Hot Shot! I’ll go with you!

Optimus: No, you two! Don’t rush into this.

Red Alert: He’s found himself… a new target! Unicron is headed for planet Cybertron!

Kids: Hhh! Whoaaa…

Rad: Look!

Hot Shot: Careful. It’s gonna get pretty hot in there. Stay close to my wing, okay?

Wheeljack: If it means saving Cybertron, I like it, Hot Shot!

Hot Shot: Let’s do it!

Carlos: They’re attacking Unicron?!

Billy: No way! They don’t stand a chance against that thing!

Fred: Hot Shot! Please, don’t be a hero! Come back!

Alexis: Hurry, Red Alert, you gotta do something!

Red Alert: At this point… There’s nothing I can do for them.

Rad: Help them. Please.

Red Alert: I’m sorry. They’re on their own. We can’t afford to act on our own right now. If we start doing that, we’ll give Unicron a perfect opportunity to wipe out the armada. So until we hear from Optimus, we are going to stay right here. That’s the way it has to be.

Unicron: Ergghhh….

Carlos: Waah, they can’t get through!

Alexis: Their lasers don’t even leave a mark on him!

Fred: They’re gonna get squashed for sure!

Billy: Red Alert!

Red Alert: We’re going to wait for orders from Optimus.

Soldier: Sir, I’m doing the best I can, but it’s hopeless. There’s no way in.

Hot Shot: No! Don’t give up yet! Hang on! Keep firing! Keep firing!

Wheeljack: Unicron thinks he can ignore us. Well, this’ll wake him up for sure. Eat this!

Thrust: Hahaha, hahaha! Ohh! Unicron, I know you’re all powerful, do something! Yaa-aah! My steel isn’t as thick as yours, so if you wouldn’t mind, blast those fighters! That’s not too much to ask, is it?!

Wheeljack: Look, it’s that weasel Thrust! I say we take him out!

Hot Shot: All units, please listen up! We’re changing the attack. Direct fire at Thrust!

Soldiers: Yessir!

Thrust: Gaah! Oooh, oooh! Transform! Argghh! Aaahh! Oohh! Ohh! Whoa!

Hot Shot: Oh man! It looks like Unicron’s decided to fight back!

Wheeljack: That’s good. It’s about time. Be on your toes, men, and don’t let him near planet Cybertron.

Unicron: Arrrrghhhh!

Thrust: Aaah! Oooh! Eeee! Ow!

Demolishor: Unicron has a weak spot! Your attention! It’s a very small area, but I believe it’s a vulnerable point! You can see it on this hologram.

Optimus: Hoist, where is it?

Hoist: It’s on Unicron’s neck!

Optimus: Good work. Then that’s where we attack.

Galvatron: I think that must be the thinnest part of his armour. But will it work, Prime?

Optimus: Our chances are slim, but if we move now, we have the element of surprise on our side.

Galvatron: Hmmm… Sideswipe, contact Hot Shot’s assault team. And give them this message, they must fire at Unicron’s neck. Forget about Thrust, I’ll take care of him.

Sideswipe: Yessir! Right away!

Optimus: I’ll order the Autobot troops to lead an attack. Galvatron, order the Decepticon troops to attack above Unicron’s head.

Galvatron: Yes, good plan.

Wheeljack: Aim for Unicron’s neck and don’t stop until you run out of ammo, men!

Soldier: This is for Cybertron!

Thrust: What can those puny ships hope to achieve against Unicron? Heh, heh. Huh? What’s this, backup forces? Lots of them. Eh, Unicron! Now would be an excellent time to demonstrate your destructive powers!

Unicron: Egghhhh…. Egghhh… Ugghhh…

Optimus: Come in, Hot Shot. Do you copy?

Hot Shot: Hot Shot here. Go ahead, Optimus.

Optimus: Assemble with the main troops.

Hot Shot: But sir!

Galvatron: We simply can’t afford to sacrifice all of our troops. Get back in line now. That’s an order.

Wheeljack: I say Galvatron’s right, Hot Shot. Let’s fall back.

Hot Shot: Oh, all right. I mean… Roger.

Thrust: Hmm. They’ve suddenly come to their senses. No matter. Unicron, you’ve got them on the run! Why don’t you finish them off while they’re still within your grasp? Uh, Unicron? Unicron?!

Unicron: Errrrghh….

Thrust: Ehhhh… What’s wrong?! Why don’t you destroy them? Crush them while you can! Did I make a terrible mistake by betraying the Decepticons? Ohhh… What if he’s nothing but a huge Transformer like the rest of us. Oh no! Did Sideways trick me into doing all this?


Sideways: Immense power. It’s yours and mine for the taking once we revive Unicron. And all it requires is that you sever your allegiance with Galvatron. Heh, heh, heh.

Thrust: That’s ridiculous! By betraying Galvatron, I put myself in a very powerful position. Yes, I did the right thing. It will all pay off soon. I will have immense power, I will! Ah! Huh? Unicron is moving! Very slowly, but he’s definitely moving! Ahahaha! That’s it! Unicron, destroy the Transformers! Ahhaha!

Carlos: Hey guys, Unicron’s moving again.

Billy: Where have all the troops gone?

Red Alert: They’re ready to launch for a counter-attack at any moment.

Alexis: I just hope we al come out of this okay.

Rad: Don’t worry.

Thrust: Unicron! What’s wrong? You’re going to pieces! Why won’t you attack Cybertron?!

Galvatron: Attention all units! Prepare to attack the enemy —

Optimus: — Stop!

Galvatron: What? Op —

Optimus: — We’re going to attack Unicron from the inside aswell as from the outside.

Rad: And we can help them. We just have to wake the Mini-Cons up. Right, High Wire?

High Wire: Yes. That would be a great help.

Carlos: Uh, Rad? How do we do that from here?

Rad: Don’t you understand anything, Carlos? The Mini-Cons brought Unicron to life.

Fred: Yeah, that’s right! Exactly like what happened on the moon!

Billy: That’s when Thrust took the Auto Blaster and the Skyboom shield. Those weapons are made of Mini-Cons.

Alexis: You’re right. But don’t forget about the Star Saber sword. That was stolen too, remember?

Rad: Mmhmm.

Carlos: Yeah, but what is all that supposed to mean?

Rad: Hey, it means…

Galvatron: We can summon all the Mini-Cons that Unicron has consumed and get them to attack from the inside.

Optimus: I’m sure those Mini-Cons would like nothing more than to break free from Unicron’s grip.

Galvatron: Of course. Now I finally understand why you were so serious about freeing the Mini-Cons. We actually need their help. Now we work as a team.

Rad: Optimus… Optimus, come in. You’ve gotta summon the Mini-Cons. It’s time.

Galvatron: That’s what we plan to do. Just leave it to us.

Rad: What, you mean?

Optimus: Once we get inside Unicron, we’re going to rescue all the Mini-Cons.

Fred: Aw, you’re the greatest!

Galvatron: What?

Fred: Aw, and… you’re really the greatest too, Galvatron.

Galvatron: Hahahaha! Ah, that’s what I like to hear.

Sideswipe: Hhh!

Optimus: What’s wrong?!

Galvatron: Hmm?

Sideswipe: Look at Unicron’s chest! Something’s happening.

Unicron: Errhhhhh….

Thrust: Yes, that’s it, Unicron. Destroy the planet! Destroy Cybertron! Mwahahaha!


Kids: Aaaaaah!

Fred: Unicron is gonna blast us! I don’t wanna get blasted on an empty stomach!

Optimus: Planet Cybertron…

Demolishor: And look, he’s destroying our home!

Galvatron: Let’s go, Prime.

Optimus: Huh? Right. Galvatron and I are going inside Unicron’s body to shut him down. Hot Shot, take command.

Hot Shot: Right!

Galvatron: Inform all the Decepticons to follow Hot Shot’s orders.

Sideswipe: Yessir, I already have, sir. Attention, all units. This is it. We will now commence our assault on Unicron. Hot Shot will command the attack. Prepare for battle. I repeat, prepare for battle. And good luck!

Thrust: Hehehe… It won’t be long now. Soon Cybertron and the rest of the Transformers will be just a memory! Ahahaha! I’ll be free to do whatever I want in this great big universe. No one will ever boss me around again! Aah?! A counter-attack! Crush them at once, Unicron! Hurry, before they get too close! Blast them!

Hot Shot: Sideswipe, join me up here at the front.

Sideswipe: Uhhhh, if you say so.

Hot Shot: We’ll form a barrier to stop that plasma burst.

Sideswipe: Uh…. Roger that.

Hot Shot: Move out!

Carlos: There they go. Looks like the backup troops have been deployed.

Fred: I gotta go to the bathroom. This is too exciting!

Sideswipe: The barrier’s holding!

Optimus & Galvatron: Transform!

Galvatron: Tidal Wave! Combine!

Jetfire: Jetfire! Link up!

Optimus: Powerlink! Jet Optimus, transform! Ultra Magnus!

Galvatron: That’s it. Aim right about the plasma burst.

Optimus: Right. That’s how we’re gonna get inside.

Thrust: Hhh! Galvatron!

Galvatron: You worm!

Thrust: Oh!

Galvatron: You’ll pay for this betrayal, Thrust. I’m angry. And do you remember how I get when I’m angry?

Thrust: Heh, heheh. You don’t scare me anymore, Galvatron. Unlike you, I’ve learned to choose my allies wisely!

Galvatron: Hhhhh….

Thrust: You’re nothing but a bad joke! What were you thinking joining forces with Optimus Prime and the Autobots?! He’s your enemy, remember? Heh, heh. Did you expect me to grovel infront of you? Nyuh! Not likely. I have no need for you. All we ever did was fight one meaningless battle after another. What was the point?! You wanted to control the Mini-Cons and the universe, but… we know that will never happen now. You lost control of the Decepticons. So what kind of a leader does that make you if you can’t even manage your own kind?! Heheheheh… A pretty poor one, if you ask me. Unicron is completely different! He’s enormous and totally invincible! And with someone like me to advise him on issues of importance, like which planets to devour and whose solar system to enslave, I see no reason why we shouldn’t have a successful partnership!

Galvatron: You always did like the sound of your own voice.

Thrust: I can’t wait until Unicron blasts you to pieces and I scatter your dust all over the universe… Aaahahaha!

Galvatron: Huh.

Thrust: Aaaah! Ohhhh! Oh no!

Galvatron: Huh?

Thrust: Galvatron! I didn’t mean what I said! Please, save me! Please! Gwrgh! Oooh…

Galvatron: I have to go meet Optimus Prime. We’re going inside Unicron. I’ll give you two choices.

Thrust: Uuuh?

Galvatron: Either I shoot you here and now…

Thrust: Uhhhuhhhh…

Galvatron: Or you free yourself and get out on your own. And if you do, there will be nowhere to hide.

Thrust: Galvatron! You can’t just leave me here, please!

Galvatron: Thrust, if you dare to have dreams of power…

Thrust: Yaaaahhh! Aaaaaaahhhh!

Galvatron: You will be consumed by them.


Rad: Hey, are those Mini-Cons?

Optimus: Are you ready, Galvatron?

Galvatron: I am.

Optimus: Seperate! Jetfire!

Galvatron: Seperate! Tidal Wave!

Jetfire: I’ll be here for ya, Optimus!

Tidal Wave: I will too, Galvatron.

Rad: I really hope those two can do it. Good luck.

High Wire: Rad… Perceptor is not waking up.

Alexis: What do you mean, High Wire?

High Wire: When we Mini-Cons are consumed by Unicron, we become part of his body. We are one with him and our own conscienceness is lost.

Grindor: Optimus Prime and Galvatron will not be able to awaken him or the others on their own.

Sureshock: We must go into Unicron. We have no choice. We must awaken them.

Carlos: Aw, you can’t be serious! You guys will get trapped in that monster if you try something like that! No!

High Wire: It is dangerous, but we must try.

Rad: Okay, guys. If the only way they can do is this is with our help, then we’re going in too.

Billy: But we have to stay here, Rad!

Rad: No, we don’t, Billy! We have to help our friends now!

Carlos: Yeah, you’re right. After all, we didn’t come all the way to planet Cybertron to just sit back and watch the action!

Alexis: Well how do we get to Unicron?

Red Alert: Through the underground warp gate. We have to do this and now. Our friends need us out there.

Unicron: Eeerrgggghhh… Yaaaaaahhhhh…. Mmmmmmmmmrrggh….

Rad: High Wire, let’s go.

High Wire: I am ready.

Carlos: We finally get to do something.

Alexis: We’re gonna save Cybertron!

Fred & Billy: Yeah!

Billy: And rescue the Mini-Cons!

Fred: Oh boy!

Rad: Listen, if we don’t go right now, then the Mini-Cons will never wake up and Unicron will never be stopped. Let’s do this thing.

Optimus: Galvatron, are you all right?

Galvatron: Of course. I am made of much more durable materials than you Autobots. Now, let’s move out.

Optimus: Yeah right. I’m not exactly positive where we are. Let’s check out the venting system. The Mini-Cons should be near there.

Galvatron: Ugh! Curses! Laser pods!

Red Alert: Come on. This way. The warp gate is right here.

Carlos: There it is!

Alexis: C’mon, what are we waiting for?

Rad: Once we go through the warp gate, there’s no turning back, guys. We’re inside Unicron.

Rad & Alexis: Huh?!

Red Alert: Hurry up! Jump through! There’s no time to waste!

Kids: Aaaaaaahhh!

Red Alert: Hrrggghhh. Urgghhh.

Galvatron & Optimus: Hrggghhh! Aaaaaahhh!

Optimus: Now, Galvatron!

Galvatron: Right!

Unicron: Mmmmmrrrrrrrgghhhhh….

Galvatron: Huh?!

Unicron: Errrrrrgggggggghhhh…. Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhh….

Sideswipe: I sure hope this works. Aw, man. This is not my idea of a good time.

Jetfire: Relax, will ya? It’ll be a blast.

Hoist: Concentrate on your jobs, you two!

Scavenger: And try to stay focused out there.

Sideswipe: Oh, sure. I’ll try to forget that there’s a planet-eating monster infront of me.

Cyclonus: Hahahahahahahaha! All right, this is my kinda party!

Demolishor: Yeah! You said it!

Tidal Wave: Let’s get it on!

Blurr: This is one crazy team.

Hot Shot: Woooooooooohhhhhooooo! C’mon! Let’s give Unicron a real pain in the neck!

Unicron: Mmrrrgghhh…. Uuuurrrrrrrrgggggghhh… Ugggghhhh….


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