Armada Episode 39 – Crisis

January 9th, 2012

Transformers: Armada
“Crisis” – Episode 39
Written by Terry Klassen and Ward Perry
Transcription by Brandon Williams

Narrator: The struggle between good and evil rages on. The Decepticons are now in possession of the most powerful Mini-Cons in the galaxy. The Earth’s only chance for a peaceful cosmos is for Optimus Prime and the Autobots to destroy their enemy. Now, get ready for a new battle.


Worker: Sullivan, what happened to the comet we were just tracking?

Sullivan: It just disappeared off the screen.

Kelly Bongartner: I am standing on the outskirts of downtown. And behind me, to the west, the sky has turned an ominous shade of green and orange. Normally at this time, the sun should be setting, but something unidentified exploded in the stratosphere and has cast a rather foreboding shadow across the city. This is Kelly Bongartner reporting.

Rad: What do you think, Alexis?

Alexis: No clue.

Rad: I’ll bet you anything it was Megatron who was behind that comet exploding.

Carlos: Well duh, a comet just doesn’t explode by itself in mid-air.

Alexis: You wait. I’ll bet we haven’t seen the last of the Decepticons’ handy work by a long shot.

Billy: Yeah, I think you’re right. We’re talking Megatron here. I’ve got a feeling this is only the start of his fireworks.

Fred: So, what do you think he’s doing?

Carlos: I wish I knew. Hey! Hang on, guys! I betcha it’s something even bigger! But, exactly what, I don’t know.

Fred: Hey! what if he’s planning on blowing up the Earth?

Carlos: Well, whatddya think, Rad? Awww, man! That’s gotta be it! Megatron’s gonna blow up Earth and everyone on it!

Billy: What if Fred is right? Do we tell anybody? And if we did, do you really think anybody would believe us?

Fred: We make them believe us, Billy, because if we don’t, we’re toast!

Alexis: Not an option. We promised the Autobots we’d never tell. And a promise is a promise, guys. And besides, they’d just be taken into laboratories and taken apart for science experiments. I’d never let that happen to my friends. And I hope you guys feel the same way I do.

Carlos: She’s right. We keep this a secret, right?

Fred: Yeah, I guess I have to agree.

Billy: Yeah, but what if Optimus has to battle infront of a crowd or something?

Rad: I really think he’s a lot smarter than that. And I’m sure he can handle himself out there. You know, he’s been around for a long time. But here’s my plan, we stay out of their way and let them take care of their own battles. I’m sure that’s what Optimus would want.

Billy: All right, I’m with you all the way, Rad!

Carlos: But Rad, we can’t stay around and not say anything while the whole stinkin’ planet blows up into smithereens.

Rad: Hmm. There’s nothing we can do, Carlos. We’re just gonna have to wait and see.

Carlos: No! We have to do something!


Man on TV: The climate changes are a result of the atmosphere…

Jetfire: What’s that? Ah! There it is. This is Jetfire. I’ve found the Decepticon ship.

Demolishor: Megatron! I’ve locked onto Jetfire!

Megatron: Ignore him, Demolishor. He is but a harmless bug that I can squash at any time I please.

Thrust: Yes, we must remain focused on aligning ourselves with the Autobots’ base to make a direct hit.

Megatron: Do as the Squidhead says, men.

Thrust: Squidhead?! Even you, Megatron?

Cyclonus: Hahahahahahaha!

Thrust: Stop laughing, this is serious! Don’t you realize that once the Hydra Cannon is fired, it takes its time to recharge. That means that while we are waiting, we are sitting ducks!

Megatron: There is no need to get yourself all worked up, Thrust.

Thrust: Well, no one seems to listen to me.

Megatron: You must excuse my men’s conduct. They’re just a little giddy over the prospect of returning home to Cybertron over the next few days. And we must keep up the morale of the men, Thrust. I’m a little giddy myself, Squidhead.

Thrust: My name is Thrust! T-H-R-U-S-T, is that so difficult to remember?!

Megatron: What’s that? You don’t enjoy my Earthly humour? Buck up, soldier, or you’ll be looking at a demotion.

Thrust: I understand, sir.

Jetfire: I’m sure the Decepticons have a lock on my position, but for some reason, they’re just ignoring me. Maybe they’re a whole lot dumber than I thought. I’m going in!

Thrust: Oohh!

Jetfire: Yargh! Transform! Ugh. Sure wasn’t expecting that.

Optimus: Jetfire! What’s going on?

Jetfire: Oh, nothin’. Except touching a six thousand gigawatt forcefield.

Hot Shot: Man, he almost gets his circuits fried and he’s making jokes.

Jetfire: I’m gonna give it another shot. Just hope this time, it won’t melt my entire mainframe. Yaaahh!

Optimus: Are you all right, Jetfire?

Jetfire: Yeah… But it looks like they’ve got a forcefield around their whole ship. I dunno if I can penetrate it. I’ll give it a shot!

Optimus: Return to base, Jetfire. Do you copy?

Jetfire: Roger that. I’m on my way. Transform!

Megatron: Ha, ha. Don’t you just love watching those miserable mechanical morons attempting to attack me, Squidhead?

Thrust: I wish he wouldn’t call me that anymore! How’d he like to be called “Flathead?” Heh, hehehehe!

Megatron: So why don’t you share your little joke with everyone?

Thrust: Heh, heh… I wasn’t, uh, laughing, sir! Flathead! Boy, I can really dish it out! Hehehehe, hahaha!

Megatron: You… are a freak.

Red Alert: Right there. There’s the point of contact, Optimus-sir.

Optimus: Interesting.

Hot Shot: What’s that thing in the middle of the screen?

Scavenger: It appears to be some kind of extreme weapon.

Blurr: It could be. I wonder if they’re planning to attack Earth with it.

Optimus: What we always thought of as a children’s story must be true. When the three weapons are linked together, they form the ultimate weapon, the Hydra Cannon.

Hot Shot: Huh? You think that might be it?

Red Alert: My analysis reveals it is definitely some kind of weapon, sir.

Hoist: Yeah, I’d say a Decepticon weapon of mass destruction.

Sideswipe: I say we go up there and destroy that monstrosity before it destroys this entire planet, Optimus-sir.

Optimus: We must do something. But we won’t destroy it.

Red Alert: If that is the same weapon that destroyed the comet, then one shot would destroy a third of the Earth.

Hot Shot: But that’s insane! We can’t let that happen to Earth!

Scavenger: Hey! We’re dealing with an insane dictator.

Blurr: There’s gotta be something we can do!

Red Alert: If we destroy the weapon, we destroy the Mini-Cons. And our job is to protect them, Blurr.

Hoist: So what’s your problem, Sideswipe?

Sideswipe: Uh… I love this planet so much, Smokescreen. It’s like my home away from home. I’ve met new friends here. They’re like family to me. And I don’t know how to say it, but we’ve gotta save this planet. We’ve just gotta!

Blurr: I know what you mean, Sideswipe. And I think all of us here feel the same way as you do.

Optimus: Hmmm. But for now we’ll wait until Jetfire gets back and fills us in.

Hot Shot: It’s because of him! Because of Starscream. We let him join us and he stabbed us in the back! He stole the Skyboom shield that let the Decepticons build the Hydra Cannon. I knew it was a mistake! Optimus! What were you thinking, huh?! You allowed him to join our ranks! Why?! Opti– sir!

Scavenger: That is enough, Hot Shot.

Hoist: Yeah. We’re a team for good, not for evil.

Hot Shot: Yeah, that’s right! I understand that we’re all responsible. But why did he have to let a Decepticon join us? Why?! Why?! Errgh! What reason did Starscream have to deceive us all? What did we ever do to him to deserve this? I will destroy him! He will pay!

Blurr: Don’t worry, Hot Shot. Starscream will get what he deserves.

Optimus: Huh?!

Jetfire: Transform. No doubt about it. They’re planning to hit our base, sir.

Optimus: Good work.

Jetfire: Thank you, sir.

Optimus: I just have one question, Jetfire. Why didn’t they fire on you? I’m sure they had you locked on their radar.

Jetfire: I had the same thought, sir. But maybe they thought the shield barrier was enough. I guess our real dilemma is breaking through that barrier and getting to Megatron. But we have to do that before they fire that weapon.

Carlos: We, uh, just thought we’d welcome ya back, Jetfire.

Billy: I’ve got a quick question about the Cybertron ship.

Fred: Yeah! We were wondering if we could go after the Decepticons in it!

Red Alert: I’m really sorry to disappoint you boys, but the ship isn’t quite finished yet.

Carlos, Fred & Billy: Aw, that bites.

Optimus: Hot Shot, listen to me. I know you might not believe this, but having Starscream join the Autobots was not a complete failure. I realise what I’m saying at this point in time may not make sense. However, I know things will work out. I hope you can understand that.

Hot Shot: So what are you gonna do about it?! Optimus-sir?!

Carlos: Yeah! I mean, how are we gonna get revenge when we can’t even get near them?

Optimus: Don’t worry. I have a plan.

Jetfire: All right.

Optimus: This could be the final battle, so I want to ensure that it does not involve any humans. And trust me everyone, the Decepticons won’t know what hit them. When the time comes, you’ll all be briefed.

Jetfire: We’re with ya, Optimus.

Hot Shot: Hey, you’re forgetting about me!

Jetfire: You stay put, Hot Shot. Optimus and I have a little party to attend to.

Hot Shot: No fair. I’m as much a part of this battle as you.

Jetfire: But can you Powerlink with any other Autobot like Optimus and me? I didn’t think so.

Hot Shot: Come on, you guys!

Jetfire: You stay put here and watch the base.

Hot Shot: Hey, there’s no way you’re taking off without me. I’m going on this mission and that’s that!

Optimus: Hot Shot.

Hot Shot: Huh?! What’s that?

Optimus: It’s a gift from the original Transformers. It’s called the Matrix. It stores all the data from previous commanders who have served. I want you to hold onto it for me.

Hot Shot: I can’t… I can’t accept that from you, Optimus.

Optimus: I understand. It’s your choice, Hot Shot. Let’s go, Jetfire.

Jetfire: I’m right behind ya, Optimus.

Autobots: Good luck!

Hot Shot (VO): Yeah, good luck, guys.


Starscream (VO): And now, what am I gonna do? What if I’m the one chosen to destroy planet Earth?

Megatron: Is there anything the matter, Starscream?

Starscream: Huh?

Megatron: Correct me if I’m wrong, but you seem to have reservations about the destruction of Earth. So I ask you, would you be willing to pull the trigger on the Hydra Cannon? You have betrayed my trust on more than one occassion, Starscream. But you always seem to return to the Decepticon fold when it really mattered. So, can I trust you this time? Well, Starscream?

Starscream: Huh?!

Megatron: I will ask you again. Are you willing to pull the trigger and destroy all of planet Earth?!

Thrust: Starscream! Please, you must agree to be the triggerman or you’ll never earn back Megatron’s trust!

Starscream: Errrrghh!

Thrust: He’ll destroy you if you don’t agree with him!

Demolishor: Target is locked on! And we’re now within range.

Optimus: I have visual contact with the cannon.

Demolishor: Hydra Cannon locked and loaded, sir!

Cyclonus: Oh goodie! That means we’re going home to Cybertron! Ohohoh, I can hardly wait to get outta here!

Thrust: Energy level nearing optimum. Disengage electro-shield.

Wheeljack: Shield disengaged.

Megatron: Ha, ha, ha. Victory is at hand. Starscream, prepare to fire the Hydra Cannon!

Optimus: Sayonara, Optimus Prime! It looks like I win! Aah!

Starscream: Aaah! Aah. It’s Optimus!

Megatron: Nooooo!

Thrust: He must have slipped through when we disengaged the electro-shield! Oh no! The Hydra Cannon!

Megatron: Prime is destroying my plan! Annihilate him!

Cyclonus: Yessir!

Demolishor: Roger.

Megatron: Thrust, is the cannon ready to fire?

Thrust: Give me two minutes, sir.

Megatron: Starscream, get out there and get rid of Optimus Prime before I get rid of you! Ugh! Prove your loyalty!

Starscream: Yessir!

Cyclonus: Hahahahaha! Whooohahaha! Let’s party!

Optimus: Jetfire! Time to split up!

Jetfire: I’ll cover your back and keep these clowns busy while you go in and recover the Star Saber and the Mini-Cons! It’s time to get busy! One down.

Cyclonus: Hahahahaha! Oh no! Aaahh!

Jetfire: Urgh! Wheeljack! Starscream.

Tidal Wave: Must destroy Optimus Prime.

Jetfire: Optimus!

Starscream (VO): Optimus!

Tidal Wave: Destroy!

Starscream: Jetfire, don’t turn your back on me! I’m your enemy!

Tidal Wave: Destroy!

Starscream: Aaahh!

Megatron: What are you doing, you idiot?!

Optimus: Must keep focused… My duty is to liberate the Star Saber, Skyboom shield and the Requiem Blaster.

Megatron: Thhhhrrrrruuuuusssttt!

Thrust: It’s almost ready, sir. I’m just boosting the energy level.

Megatron: You fire the Hydra Cannon, Thrust, while I finish off Optimus.

Optimus: I could recharge off the Decepticons’ electro-force field.

Megatron: No freeloading, Prime!

Optimus: Megatron! Let’s do this!

Megatron: Full Blast Mode!

Jetfire: Hang on, Optimus!

Demolishor: You’re all mine.

Jetfire: Why you!

Wheeljack: Hahahahahahaha!

Jetfire: You’re next, Wheeljack.

Cyclonus: It’s payback time! Heh, heh!

Megatron: Hahahahaha!

Thrust: Hydra Cannon is ready to fire, sir!

Megatron: Ye-he-he-he-essss… Here’s a little trivia, Optimus. The Hydra Cannon was originally designed to destroy you. But I have chosen to destroy the Autobots’ base on planet Earth first. Now, watch your moronic minions be blown into a million pieces. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Jetfire: Optimus!

Megatron: Thrust! Fire the cannon!

Optimus: I must divert the power of the Mini-Cons — before it’s too late! I won’t let you do this!

Megatron: Aaaah! Aaaaaaahhh!


Megatron: Ha, ha, ha. It was nice knowing you, Optimus Prime.

Kelly Bongartner: This is Kelly Bongartner reporting live from downtown. And I’ve just spotted a brilliant light which appears to be heading toward Earth as I speak. But what it is exactly, I don’t have a clue.

Rad: Oh no!

Red Alert: Oh no!

Optimus: Eerrrggghhhh!

Megatron: No! This cannot be happening!

Thrust: I don’t believe my eyes! He’s stopping the blast!

Optimus: Aaaaahh! Just give me… a little more power! Yaah! Aaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!

Thrust: What’s going on?! Aaaaahhh!

Cyclonus, Demolishor, Wheeljack & Jetfire: Whooaaaa…

Megatron: Hhh…

Rad: Man, take a look at that!

Fred: What happened to Optimus, you guys?!

Carlos: Don’t worry, Fred. He told us he had a plan, remember?

Alexis: I sure — hope you’re all right.

Billy: Or else we’re in big trouble!

Hot Shot: C’mon!

Optimus: Uggghh…. Ughhhh….

Kids: Whhhooooaaa….

Red Alert, Scavenger, Blurr & Hoist: Hhhhh….

Hot Shot: Huhhh!

Rad: Optimus!

Alexis: All right!

Carlos: Oh yeah!

Billy: Hahahaha…

Fred: Optimus Prime comes through again! Heh. I knew he would!

Red Alert: Wait — just a minute!

Hoist: Now when Optimus and Jetfire Powerlink, there’s nothing in the universe that could defeat them, right?

Kids: Hhhh! Aaah!

Hot Shot: Nooooo!

Autobots & Kids: Optimus!

Megatron: What the?! He’s completely disintegrated into space dust. Opppttiimmuuuusss!

Jetfire: No! This can’t be happening!

Megatron: It’s time to make a hasty retreat, Thrust.

Thrust: Uh, yessir!

Starscream: Urggh, ergh… Huh?! The Earth! It’s still there!

Jetfire: Oppptttimmmuuussssss!

Starscream: Hmmm? (VO) But how could that be?

Jetfire: No! Optimus… And all that’s left is your Matrix. I’ll never forget you, sir. Neevvvveeerrr!

Rad: That night, there was a huge star shower over the Autobots’ base, like the entire universe was crying over the loss of Optimus Prime.


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