Armada Episode 35 – Rescue

January 9th, 2012

Transformers: Armada
“Rescue” – Episode 35
Written by Terry Klassen and Ward Perry
Transcription by Brandon Williams

Narrator: The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons rages on as they struggle to retrieve the prized Mini-Cons. The side who wins is the side that collects the most. And if the Decepticons prove victorious, then Megatron and his corrupt Mini-Cons control the universe. The Earth’s only chance for a peaceful cosmos is for Optimus Prime and the Autobots to destroy their enemy. Now, get ready for a new battle.


Demolishor: Curse that Starscream. No matter what he does, he always messes it up somehow. And who’s left to clean it up? Me, that’s who. And I’m tired of it. Ya think anyone would help tidy this mess up? Now I can only hope this time Megatron will make that idiot Starscream pay for his stupidity. Huh?

Starscream: Errrr…

Demolishor: Ooohhh! Starscream!

Starscream: Heh, heh. I thought I heard you whining here, Demolishor. Do you have something you want to say to me? Let’s hear it, because I wouldn’t want to be eating away at you. Then maybe we can settle this. Unless of course you don’t have the hardware to face me. I hope you don’t mind. I brought along my new friends.

Demolishor: You — can’t be serious…

Jetfire: Yeah-ha!

Hot Shot: What’s up?

Demolishor: Whooa-hooohhh… I, uh…

Starscream: Heh, heh, heh… I hope I’m not imposing on you, Demolishor.

Demolishor: How did you all get here? You must’ve travelled through the warp gate.

Starscream: You know what, you’re not as dumb as you look. And for your information, you’re the reason I changed sides. Oh, one more thing, Demolishor. I’ve decided to destroy your mainframe first before we take down Megatron!

Demolishor: Enemy invasion… Enemy invasion!

Hot Shot: Hey, where do you think you’re going?

Demolishor: Megatron! We’re under attack!

Starscream: It’s time to finish you off, Demolishor.


Megatron: Now what’s going on down there?

Thrust: I’m not sure, but the alarm was set off in the control room.

Wheeljack: Maybe the Autobots found us.

Cyclonus: Yeah, ha, right. Like they’re intelligent enough to get past our secruity.

Hot Shot: Man. So much for a surprise attack.

Optimus: Don’t worry, Hot Shot. We’ll regroup and attack again.

Starscream: You don’t have to tell me twice.

Optimus: Hold on, Starscream! I want you to hold back with Perceptor and release all the Mini-Cons held captive here. You know the layout, and that’s why we need you to carry out this mission for us.

Starscream: Right.

Cyclonus: Okay! Okay! Maybe I was wrong about the Autobots being able to break in here!

Megatron: Those cowards. Go destroy them now.

Optimus: Megatron.

Thrust: Uh oh… This is not good.

Optimus: Sorry to barge in like that, but this is where it ends.

Megatron: Optimus… It’s so nice to see you again. Why I was just looking for a new target for my Requiem Blaster.

Starscream: Sorry, Megatron. But I’ve come back to settle a personal score with you.

Megatron: I see the plot has thickened somewhat, eh, Starscream? What, with you bringing over our guests. I never saw you as a traitor. But as another Autobot lapped on?

Starscream: That’s it! I’ve had it!

Optimus: Stand down, Starscream! Understand? This is not what I ordered you to do.

Starscream: No! And don’t try to stop me, Optimus!

Megatron: Well, enough idle chit chat. I have a traitor to obliterate! Adios, Autobot!

Thrust: In… incredible!

Megatron: Oh yesss… It is incredible.

Thrust: Oh no! What if the blast causes the roof to collapse? May I suggest, sir, that you and the others escape while I cover your retreat?

Megatron: Good plan.

Jetfire: Look! Megatron’s disappeared… Where’d he go?

Thrust: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! My apologies, gentlemen, but Megatron had more urgent matters to attend to. Now how can I help you?

Cyclonus: Boy, what a show-off! So who died and put Mr. Conehead in charge?

Tidal Wave: Stop your whining, Cyclonus.

Wheeljack: Enough talk. Get him!

Starscream: What kind of leader runs and leaves his men to fight alone? You’re a coward, Megatron!

Carlos: I dunno if I can watch this! The Autobots don’t stand a chance against the Requiem Blaster.

Rad: Yeah, and we’re totally helpless just watching ’em.

Alexis: But Rad, what if they don’t find the Mini-Cons in time?

Carlos: Aw, man. Perceptor. We forgot about Perceptor!

Alexis: Laserbeak, find Perceptor. And stick to him like glue, all right?

Sideswipe: Yeah! All right! Finally gonna see a little action and then everyone will see what the ‘Swiper can do around here! Bigger they are, the harder they fall! Yeah!

Scavenger: Maybe you should pick on someone your own size, Sideswipe. Now get off your butt and get back in there.

Optimus: Hot Shot, I can’t see Perceptor anywhere. Go after him, understand?

Hot Shot: But — but Optimus, sir. I thought you ordered Starscream to take care of him.

Starscream: Megatron! Come out and show yourself!

Optimus: Starscream is so intent on destroying Megatron that he’s forgotten his mission. I think it’s best he stays focused on that, Hot Shot, while you take care of Perceptor and find the other Mini-Cons.

Hot Shot: I’m on it, sir. Huh? Better step aside, ya creep!

Demolishor: I’m gonna crush you like a tin can, you punk. I was getting tired of running anyway. Hahaha. Ha, ha, ha. Aw, too bad. You took a wrong turn. Hahaha.

Kids: Yeah!

Demolishor: Why you little mechanical vulture!

Hot Shot: Hey Perceptor, are you okay?

Rad: Aw, man. That was a close one. Hot Shot got there in the nick of time.

Alexis: Hot Shot! Do you copy? Good job, Hot Shot. Now follow Laserbeak and get out of there, pronto.

Hot Shot: I gotcha. C’mon, buddy, let’s get outta here.

Alexis: Stay close to Perceptor, Hot Shot. He can lead you right to the Mini-Cons.

Rad: Aw, man. This is totally frustrating not being able to do anything to help them out.

Hot Shot: Hey ya guys, any word on how Starscream’s doing?

Alexis: No, we haven’t heard anything, Hot Shot. And to make matters worse, the blueprint he gave us of the base is completely different from the real thing.

Hot Shot: Ohh great. Ya got any other good news? Find ’em. C’mon.

Tidal Wave: Your journey ends here. No one passes Tidal Wave. Now I shall crush you. Very impressive.

Hot Shot: Hey ironhead, ya mind if I cut in?

Tidal Wave: You…

Hot Shot: Powerlink back up, guys. And go find the Mini-Cons! (VO) It’s time to put that old locomotive out of his misery. (Out loud) What? I didn’t even phase him.

Alexis: Guys! Guys, quick! Check out the monitor. You’re not gonna believe your eyes.

Kids: Whoaaa…

Rad: What the?

Carlos: Look, it’s the Mini-Cons.

Alexis: And Megatron is using them as slaves to build a…

Kids: Spaceship!


Carlos: Aw, man. Look at all those Mini-Cons!

Rad: They’re all prisoners of Megatron. And he’s got them building some kinda ship for ‘im.

Alexis: We’ve gotta let Optimus know about this right away.

Megatron: Hahahaha. Ha, ha, ha, ha. That’s right, my miniature minions, keep up the good work. Oh! And look who’s here. Perceptor. How good of you to join my little pile of workers. What? Halt, bot! You’ll pay for disobeying me! Hahahaha! Struggle all you like, you little titanium toy, but you’re not going anywhere. Hahahaha! Hahahahaha! Ha, ha, ha, ha! I’m enjoying this. Heheheh… What’s happening? That music, why are they all making that irritating music?

Optimus: Where is that strange sound coming from?

Rad: Man, is this ever freaky.

Alexis: The Mini-Cons… They’re all — singing!

Carlos: It’s like they’re all reacting to Perceptor or something.

Alexis: Hey, remember? This happened once before.

Rad: Yeah, I remember. It was like all the Mini-Cons around the world were communicating with eachother using some kind of strange language. It was totally bizarre.

Alexis: This is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard in my life.

Megatron: Make them stop or I’ll destroy every last one of you. What? How dare you defy my orders. Every one of you, get back to work immediately! Understand? Now! Don’t you get it?! I absolutely uphoard any kind of insubordination! And all those who have chosen to disregard my orders have perished at my hand. Now you’ll pay!

Hot Shot: Aaaaaaahhhh! Hey, Mega-moron! If you’re looking for a fight, then bring it on!

Megatron: How dare you interfere with me!

Hot Shot: Okay, Jolt, go get ‘im!

Megatron: You are starting to annoy me, Autobot!

Hot Shot: Transform!

Megatron: Transform!

Tidal Wave: Must destroy Autobots. Tidal Wave destroy Autobots!

Hoist: Hey, lughead! Need a hand? With my new armour, I just keep going and going. Ow… Hahaha.

Tidal Wave: Thank you. Tidal Wave appreciates.

Sideswipe: He’s saying ‘form a line and file out of here one at a time.’ Hey guys! No pushing around and no buttin’ in!

Optimus: Hurry, Sideswipe. Keep them moving.

Carlos: Whoa, cool! We’re kicking Decepti-butt big time!

Alexis: Way to go, Perceptor! Way to save the Mini-Cons.

Rad: All right! Nothing like sweet victory.

Hot Shot: That’s — gonna leave a mark.

Megatron: Hahaha. Too bad your hard drive is about to crash for the last time.

Hot Shot: Sorry, pal. Not today! What?

Megatron: Hahahahaha. It seems you’re trapped… like a rat. This amuses me. Sayonara, Autobot. You! How dare you!

Starscream: You don’t scare me anymore, Megatron.

Megatron: S-starsc-ream. I always knew you’d be a traitor!

Starscream: And now I can fight evil!

Megatron: You moron. You don’t know what evil is.

Starscream: Hot Shot! Prepare to attack!

Hot Shot: You got it! Heh, heh, haha!

Optimus: Hot Shot! Starscream! Fall in, men. We’ve recovered the Mini-Cons, and it’s time to head home.

Hot Shot: All rightah! Did you just hear something?

Starscream: Probably… just the wind. You should head out.

Hot Shot: The wind?

Optimus: It’s time to pull out, Starscream.

Starscream: Ha! I’m not going anywhere!

Hot Shot: Huh?

Optimus: I just gave you a direct order, soldier.

Starscream: Errrgghh…

Optimus: I don’t have time for insubordination. Either you come with us now and prove you really are an Autobot or you stay behind and show your true colours. Now what’s it going to be, Starscream? It’s your choice.

Starscream: Errgggghh…

Optimus: Will you choose to return to Megatron’s fold, or will you continue to battle with the Autobots? Time is running out for your decision, Starscream. Choose. Will it be your heart or your programming? Autobot or Decepticon?

Kids: Hahahahahaha! Yeah!

Starscream: There is no right decision!

Optimus: Take your time, Starscream. Take your time.


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