Transformers: Armada
“Sacrifice” – Episode 33
Written by Terry Klassen and Ward Perry
Transcription by Brandon Williams

Narrator: The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons rages on as they struggle to retrieve the prized Mini-Cons. The side who wins is the side that collects the most. And if the Decepticons prove victorious, then Megatron and his corrupt Mini-Cons control the universe. The Earth’s only chance for a peaceful cosmos is for Optimus Prime and the Autobots to destroy their enemy. Now, get ready for a new battle.


Megatron: Hmmm… So, we have no other choice, Thrust?

Thrust: None, Megatron, sir.

Megatron: Are you sure?

Thrust: Very sure.

Megatron: Then, our only means of attack against the Autobots — is a direct one.

Thrust: Yessir. To ensure your victory, it’s our only option.

Megatron: Aaaaahhh…

Thrust: And according to my little plan, they’ll come to us. So, we must prepare for battle, sir.

Megatron: Yes, and soon the Requiem Blaster will be mine. We must give them a warm Decepticon… welcome.

Thrust: As you wish. It shall be done, sir.

Megatron: Let’s go. But I warn you, if you fail this time, it will be your last.

Thrust: Yessir, I fully understand. And it won’t be long now ’til victory shall be yours! I can feel it.

Megatron: Heh, heh, heh. Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Hahahahahaha!


Rad (VO): Hi. This is Rad. And let me set up the situation. Y’see, the Autobots were mysteriously informed that the Decepticons were out in the jungle. But what they didn’t know is, they were walking right into a trap.

Jetfire: I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t get a good feeling about this.

Scavenger: I really don’t care how you feel, Jetfire, just keep your eyes peeled, understand?

Hot Shot: So how come we didn’t bring the Requiem Blaster?

Blurr: Would you keep it quiet, Hot Shot!

Hot Shot: Hey! I’m just askin’.

Jetfire: How long do we have to wait out here? This humidity’s killing my circuits.

Optimus: A good soldier is patient, Jetfire.

Jetfire: Yeah, yeah…

Rad (VO): You couldn’t blame anyone for being anxious. After all, the last time Optimus Prime went up against Megatron, he nearly lost the battle. And if it wasn’t for three new Mini-Cons coming together to form the Requiem Blaster, the Autobots would be history right now and the Decepticons would rule the universe. The downside was, we discovered the Mini-Cons didn’t exactly like being used as weapons.

Smokescreen: Oh, please. Would you all just calm down and relax? Even on the off-chance the Decepticons find our base, we’re here to look after you little guys. Infact, Optimus himself put me in direct charge of protecting you. Which means you have absolutely nothing to worry about, little guys. Huh? Okay, I don’t have a clue what you’re saying, but let me explain it to you in plain English again, okay? I promise you have nothing at all to worry about! Hahahahahaha! You little guys crack me up.

Rad: Carlos, we can’t make the Mini-Cons fight.

Carlos: But we have to, Rad!

Alexis: I think you two missed what Optimus was saying. Y’see, the Decepticons know we have the Requiem Blaster, right? They don’t know where, but they know we have it. And that means…

Jetfire: …The enemy will be too afraid to try anything rash because they know we have the ultimate weapon. And we might even be able to win without firing a single shot!

Hot Shot: But what if… What if they realize we have no intention of using it?

Scavenger: Because everyone here is going to keep their little yaps shut, that’s how.

Blurr: Yeah.

Hot Shot: I sure hope you’re right.

Scavenger: I’m sure Optimus knew what he was doing when he came up with this plan. Otherwise, he would have never left the three Requiem Mini-Cons back at the base.

Hot Shot: Well, I still don’t like it, guys.

Jetfire: Neither do I. I mean, look at us! We’re like sitting ducks out here.

Rad: It’s locked on! And it’s Starscream!

Jetfire: It looks like we got company, boys…

Hot Shot: I see him!

Optimus: Don’t fire!

Hot Shot: Huh?

Optimus: Let’s let him make the first move.

Starscream: Transform!

Hot Shot: Look! The Star Saber!

Jetfire: Why does he have it?

Starscream: Here I come, Autobots! You’re all mine! So come out from your hiding places, you cowards, and face — the most powerful — Decepticon — in the universe!

Jetfire: Boy, he sure doesn’t have a self-image problem, now does he?

Sideswipe: What is he thinking, there’s no way he can take us all on.

Hot Shot: Well I’d say he’s just an idiot.

Optimus: He’s not being cocky. With the Star Saber, Starscream truly believes he’s invincible.

Hot Shot: So it’s like I said! The creep’s an idiot.

Starscream: I haven’t got all day. If you’re not coming out on your own, then I’ll just flush you out! Ugh!

Optimus: Move out, men.

Autobots: Yessir.

Starscream: Show yourselves, Autobots.

Megatron: Why are they not coming out? Wasn’t that part of your plan?

Thrust: Patience, Megatron. Soon the heat will become so intense that they’ll come out like frightened mice. And they’ll be forced to use the Requiem Blaster.

Starscream: Hello! I’m still waiting over here.

Optimus: I think it’s time to bring him down.

Jetfire: All right. Let’s do this, guys. Transform!

Optimus: Jet Optimus, transform!

Demolishor: I’ve locked onto one of them, and it appears to be Optimus, sir.

Megatron: Excellent. Shockwave, after him.

Tidal Wave: Yes, Megatron!

Demolishor: Just hang on a minute, Megatron, sir. It appears Optimus doesn’t have the Requiem Blaster with him.

Megatron: What’s that? Then the others must have it down there. Shockwave, flush those cretins out of the forest.

Tidal Wave: Yesss, Megatron!

Megatron: Once we’ve located the Blaster, I’ll personally finish this little battle. But right now, our focus must be on finding it, so tell Starscream to get to work or else suffer my wrath.

Thrust: I’m on it, sir.

Blurr: Great. It’s just Mini-Cons firing at us.

Hot Shot: Yeah, but it still stings pretty good.

Blurr: C’mon. Let’s go!

Hot Shot: Huh?

Demolishor: As far as I can tell, neither Hot Shot or Blurr have the Blaster, either.

Thrust: What about Scavenger or Smokescreen?

Demolishor: Uh, I’m not talking to you, eraserhead. I’m talking to Megatron. So butt out, will you?

Megatron: You mind your rank, Demolishor.

Demolishor: Oohh…

Megatron: Now keep looking. We have a mission to accomplish.

Thrust: I quite agree, Megatron, sir. And I’m confident we’ll find the Requiem Blaster. Isn’t that right, Demolishor?! Are you even listening to me?

Demolishor: Huh?

Megatron: Would you please concentrate, Demolishor? We have business to attend to.

Demolishor: Uhh, yes, sir. Right!

Thrust: What a moron!

Megatron: Hmmm… I wonder what Starscream is doing down there.

Thrust: Uhhh, fighting — Optimus?

Megatron: That fool! I told him to leave Optimus for me! Is it me, or can’t anyone around here follow a simple order! The reason why I gave that simpleton the Star Saber sword was to draw the Autobots out into the open — so they’d be forced to use the Requiem Blaster against us. Now that mutant thinks that he can defeat Prime all by himself!

Starscream: It looks like that this is your final showdown, Optimus Prime. Heh!

Optimus: I don’t think so, Starscream.

Starscream: Not against this!

Rad: Would someone please tell me what’s going on?

Carlos: Man, we can’t see a thing through this rain.

Thrust: Hmmm… Something is just not right here. Why don’t they attack? They have the power to turn this battle around, but yet they’re hiding like scared children. Transform!

Megatron: Now what?

Thrust: I’m going in for a look, Megatron, sir.

Megatron: Hmmm….

Alexis: Uh, Fred, do you mind?

Fred: Sorry.

Rad: Hey, how come our monitor crashed? Ohhh… Look! I think someone’s messing around with the camera, guys!

Carlos: Aww, this is starting to get freaky.

Fred: Guys. Look. Look! Look!

Red Alert: Huh? Let me check. The switcher must be on the fritz.

Rad: Huh?

Red Alert: It’s not responding.

Sideways: Hahahaha… Surprise.

Red Alert: Sideways!

Sideways: Hahahahaha… Hahahahahaha!


Starscream: Go ahead and make your move, Optimus. Unless of course you’re afraid of the Star Saber!

Optimus: You don’t get it, do you?
Starscream: Uhhh, get… what?

Optimus: All right, you defeat me. Then what happens? Have you really thought it through, Starscream?

Starscream: Then the Decepticons win. What’s your point? Oh, I get it now, Optimus Prime. You’re just stalling me for more time. Well, to answer your question, when I win, it’s the end of you pathetic Autobots. And Megatron will rule the universe like it should be! We Decepticons have always been at war against you, and now it ends here — with your defeat!

Optimus: This isn’t about you and me, it’s about control over the Mini-Cons — who have no interest in fighting — on either side.

Starscream: Nonsense. The Mini-Cons are mere pawns in this war, and you know it! I’ve had enough of your lies! It’s time to end this once and for all! You’re going down!

Thrust: Transform!

Sideways: There shall never be peace in this universe. There must always be war.

Thrust: Uh, ah… Who — who said that?

Sideways: Heheheheheh…

Thrust: Ah, Sideways, yeah. I should’ve known. Wait a minute, was that really him or was it all in my head? That’s it! It was just a hallucination! Ha, ha! All right. Time to put a stop to Starscream. He’s playing way over his head. Transform!

Megatron: Where in the world’s my Blaster!

Optimus: Does nothing sink into your thick skull?

Starscream: Is that the best you can do, Prime? This is gonna be easier than I thought!

Optimus: My mission is to liberate the Mini-Cons, and they make up the Star Saber.

Starscream: Then come and get it!

Optimus: Forget the Mini-Cons!

Starscream: Enough talking! Let’s finish this! It’s over, Optimus! What? Runway! Sonar! Jetstorm! What’s going on here?! I’m your master! You stupid Mini-Cons, I command you to attack!

Optimus: I told you. The Mini-Cons weren’t built to fight.

Starscream: Don’t worry, I’ll get it to work. But first I’ll finish you off. Shockwave, Cyclonus, I could use a little help over here! Come on already! Would you guys please hurry up! I’m on the verge of winning this entire war all by myself! Heh, heh, heh, heh. You finally made it, Cyclonus. Huh?!

Hot Shot: Sorry for the interruption, Starscream, but we were in the neighbourhood and thought we’d drop by.

Starscream: But where’s — my guys?

Sideswipe: You’re not gonna believe this, Starscream, but you’re the only Decepticon around here. I guess all your buddies packed up and decided to go home.

Blurr: Oh well. I suppose that means it’s you against us.

Starscream: I don’t believe a word of this. You’re just messing with my head. Aren’t you?

Scavenger: So why would we do that? If anyone was messing with your head, I would have to guess it would be that bonehead boss of yours, Megatron.

Hot Shot: I wouldn’t wanna be in your shoes right now, Starscream. Haha.

Starscream: You’re lying. You’re trying to intimidate me. But it won’t work. Never! Shockwave! Thrust! Cyclonus! Megatron! Demolishor! Anybody! Huhhh, huhhh…. Why have you all abandoned me?!

Rad: Optimus, we’re in big trouble! Megatron’s attacking the base!

Optimus: What?!

Alexis: And Sideways is back!

Hot Shot: Are you sure?

Alexis: The secruity system never even detected them.

Carlos: Yeah, and they know where Smokescreen is too!

Scavenger: Oh no…

Sideswipe: This whole thing was just a diversion. Megatron planned to attack the base all along!

Hot Shot: So I guess we weren’t kidding when we said they ditched Starscream.

Optimus: We’ve got to get back to the base.

Autobots: Yessir!

Starscream: Huh? Aaaaaahhhh! Huhh… Why have you abandoned me, Megatron?! Why?! Why?! Whhhhhhyyyy?!


Sideswipe: Boy, did they ever trash this place.

Hot Shot: Hello, can anyone hear me in here?!

Fred: Yeah, and we’re down here, Hot Shot!

Billy: I thought they’d never show up…

Blurr: Are you boys all right?

Fred: Just hungry.

Billy: Red Alert told us we should hide inside here.

Rad: It was amazing. The Decepticons knew everything about our secruity.

Alexis: Yeah, because of Sideways.

Blurr: That traitor.

Scavenger: So where is Red Alert?

Carlos: No clue, Scavenger. He just showed us where to hide and then he just took off.

Hot Shot: First thing we have to do is find him. Sideswipe, you look after the kids.

Sideswipe: No problem. You can count on me.

Scavenger: C’mon, men. There’s no time to waste.

Smokescreen: Okay, just remember to keep quiet and everything will be all right. I’m not letting anyone get to your little guys, you got it? But you have to follow my instructions to the letter. Okay? Whoa, c’mon you guys, I told you to keep it down. Hey, for the first time, I think I understood every single word you said to me. Hahahaha! Megatron!

Megatron: Ah, yes. There’s those naughty little Requiem Blaster Mini-Cons.

Smokescreen: Hmmm?

Thrust: I have a suggestion, Megatron. If the Autobot hands over the Mini-Cons, we let him go. But if he resists… well, uh, I’ll leave his fate in your hands. Heh, heh.

Smokescreen: No deal, Deceptiscum! Optimus ordered me to protect them at all costs, Megatron. And that’s what I’m gonna do!

Megatron: Bad decision! Now you must pay for your blind allegiance to that pathetic Optimus Prime.

Smokescreen: Bring it on.

Cyclonus: Hahahahahaha!

Red Alert: I’m sorry.

Scavenger: It’s okay. You held them off as long as you could. But now we’re here to help.

Red Alert: They overpowered me, Scavenger. For a while there, I thought I could hold my own. But then… Now what?

Scavenger: I don’t know.

Optimus: We fight back.

Red Alert: Optimus, sir! You’re back!

Jetfire: Time to do some damage.

Smokescreen: Aaaaaaahhhh!

Autobots: Huh?

Megatron: I don’t have time to play games, you annoying little Autobot. Now get out of my way! Because I believe those three Mini-Cons are mine.

Optimus: Smokescreen…

Megatron: Ha, ha. I could never have imagined victory was going to be this easy.

Autobots: Smokescreen!

Hot Shot: Megatron is gonna pay for this.

Megatron: You talk pretty tough, kid. But can you back it up?

Carlos: Oh no! They’ve got the Requiem Blaster!

Megatron: You know, when I think about it, it always amazes me how three harmless Mini-Cons can transform into such a powerful weapon of mass destruction. Three innocent androids. And they alone are about to change the course of history forever. Hahahhaha! This war is over!

Smokescreen: Not if I can help it!

Megatron: Ha, ha, ha. What?

Smokescreen: If you think this war is over, Megatron, you’re sadly mistaken, because I’m only getting warmed up.

Hot Shot: Smokescreen!

Megatron: Heh, heh, heh.

Smokescreen: Aaaahh? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!

Megatron: Incredible… I’ve never seen another weapon like it — in my entire life! Now it’s your turn, Optimus Prime!

Smokescreen: Not so fast! Ughh… ohh…

Megatron: Huh?

Optimus: Smokescreen!

Smokescreen: Ah, oh… Ahh… ughh… Ahhh.. Errrgghh…

Decepticons: Ooohhhh….

Thrust: Uhh, ahh. Megatron, sir, might I suggest we make a hasty retreat? Seeing as you have what we came for… uhhh…

Megatron: Yes. An excellent suggestion, Thrust.

Smokescreen: Noooooooooo….

Megatron: Hurry men, retreat!

Smokescreen: Ughh, ohh… ugh…

Optimus: Smokescreen!

Hot Shot: We’ve gotta — huh?

Rad: Smokescreen…

Optimus: Okay… Now take it easy, soldier.

Smokescreen: I tried… ugh… to protect the Mini-Cons for you, sir.

Optimus: I know.

Smokescreen: Ugh…

Optimus: We’ll never forget you, soldier. NNNNOOOOOOOOO!

Rad: This was the first time I had ever seen Optimus show so much emotion. I realize now — even Autobots can feel pain. And for the first time, I understood that this battle was personal. And he was out for revenge… At any price.


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