Armada Episode 32 – Past II

January 9th, 2012

Transformers: Armada
“Past II” – Episode 32
Written by Terry Klassen and Ward Perry
Transcription by Brandon Williams

Narrator: The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons rages on as they struggle to retrieve the prized Mini-Cons. The side who wins is the side that collects the most. And if the Decepticons prove victorious, then Megatron and his corrupt Mini-Cons control the universe. The Earth’s only chance for a peaceful cosmos is for Optimus Prime and the Autobots to destroy their enemy. Now, get ready for a new battle.


Wheeljack: When I saw a figure approaching through the flames, I thought it was you, Hot Shot. But I was wrong.

Hot Shot: No! No! It was Megatron!

Wheeljack: Yes it was. It’s because of him that I’m standing right here.

Sideswipe: Erghh…

Wheeljack: I’ve come to get my revenge. So, are you ready? You never should have left me out there.

Hot Shot: Don’t do this.

Wheeljack: Save your breath. You’ll need it.

Hot Shot: Awwrghh!

Wheeljack: It’s done. I’m sorry.

Hot Shot: Why Wheeljack? …Why?


Hot Shot (VO): What is this place? What happened? Where am I?

Sideswipe: Huh? Hot Shot! Can you hear me?

Hot Shot: Sideswipe?

Sideswipe: Take it easy, Hot Shot. Everything’s gonna be all right. When I came to, the Decepticons were gone. You were in rough shape so I carried you back to the base as fast as I could. You’re in intensive care now.

Hot Shot: Wheeljack. Err, hey!

Sideswipe: Hey, take it easy. You shouldn’t really be moving around.

Blurr: He was shot from close range, so he’s pretty badly damaged. Luckily, all of his major systems are still functioning. Whoever it was who did this to Hot Shot, wasn’t a particularly skilled marksman.

Optimus: Huh? Are you sure of that, Blurr?

Hot Shot: He was my friend. Even after all this, I still think of him the same way.

Sideswipe: But he hunted us down. If he was your friend, then why would he do that to you? He’s just like all the other Decepticons!

Hot Shot: …He’s not. He can’t be like one of them. No!

Sideswipe: You must’ve forgot. Hot Shot, try to remember that battle on Cybertron when you and Wheeljack were seperated from the rest of your platoon.


Hot Shot: Wheeljack! I’m going for help! Wait right here.

Wheeljack: Come back, Hot Shot! Don’t leave me here.

Hot Shot: Please, Wheeljack. I promise I’ll come back.

Wheeljack: No… don’t leave me…

Platoon Leader: You’re not going anywhere now, Hot Shot! The unit is more important than a single soldier.

Hot Shot: But Wheeljack… Wheeljack!

[End Flashback]

Optimus: It was after that incident on Cybertron that I felt it was necessary to take Hot Shot under my direct command.

Blurr: So Hot Shot’s friend was an Autobot like us, then?

Optimus: That’s right, Blurr. I think that’s why it’s such a painful memory for him. And unfortunately, he seems to be suffering through it all over again. Hot Shot has a disturbing past. And the only way he’s going to erase those bad memories from his mind is if he confronts them head on. And he’s got to do it himself.

Blurr: Ugh?

Sideswipe: It’s not your fault, Hot Shot. You did everything you could for Wheeljack. It was standard procedure for your platoon leader to stop you from going into that inferno. You didn’t abandon anyone, you were just following orders. Listen, you’ve gotta stop being so hard on yourself.

Hot Shot: You’re wrong. There’s no excuse for leaving Wheeljack out on the battlefield.

Sideswipe: No excuse?

Hot Shot: I was wrong… I should never have left Wheeljack’s side. I should have stayed with him. Even if it meant we both wouldn’t make it out. Autobots always stick together, and I forgot that.

Sideswipe: Hot Shot…

Hot Shot: I guess I was only thinking about myself. I was going for help but I ended up putting Wheeljack in an even worse situation. I can’t believe I left him standing alone in those flames when he needed me most. I discovered my true self in that inferno. I came face-to-face with the dark side of my character.


Hot Shot: No, Wheeljack! (Out of clip) I knew there wasn’t much time, so I made a decision.

Platoon Leader: Hot Shot, come back! Get back here! That’s an order, Hot Shot! Stop, Hot Shot! I’ll have you court marshalled! If I were you, I’d think very closely of what my next move is going to be. If you insist on disobeying my orders, I’ll have discharged so fast, your head will spin. Do you underst–

Hot Shot: — I understand, sir. (Out of clip) I knew I was probably too late to save Wheeljack, but at the time, trying to get to him was the only thing I could think of. I couldn’t bare the thought of leaving an Autobot in that kind of danger. So whatever it was gonna take, I was at least gonna try and get to him. (In clip) Wheeljack!

[End Flashback]

Hot Shot: I passed out from the heat of the fire, and the next thing I remember is waking up back in the base. I survived, but there was no sign of Wheeljack. I can barely describe the torment I felt inside. My body was in pain, but it was my heart that hurt the most. I had let my friend down, and for that I will never forgive myself. I couldn’t get the last memory of Wheeljack’s face out of my mind.

Wheeljack (flashback): No! Don’t leave me.

Blurr: I still don’t understand why Hot Shot’s friend would intentionally shoot him at point blank range.

Optimus: Hmmm… It’s a bit drastic, but maybe he thought it was the only way to settle things between them. I’m just worried that if Hot Shot was in Wheeljack’s situation, he might do the same thing. That would go against everything I’ve tried to teach him.

Blurr: This Wheeljack sounds like a real loose cannon. I think we’d better keep an eye on him, Optimus.

Sideswipe: Optimus! Hot Shot is gone!

Blurr: Huh?

Sideswipe: He just got up and — disappeared!

Optimus: What?!

Thrust: Heh, heh, heh. So, an Autobot is out for a little drive on his own, is he?

Hot Shot: I’ve got company… Leave me alone!

Thrust: I wonder what’s clogging up his tailpipe. Boy, those Autobots sure are a moody bunch.

Sideswipe: I’ve got nothing. I can’t contact him.

Blurr: Maybe he’s gone to make peace with Wheeljack?

Optimus: I certainly hope not.


Carlos: Y’know, Rad, I don’t know if those guys should be playing with the Mini-Cons like they’re toys.

Rad: Ah, I know, Carlos. But it’s good for the Mini-Cons to get some training while the Autobots are out.

Billy: Yeah! All right!

Fred: We got him!

Billy: We got him!

Fred: Better than chilli dogs!

Carlos: Man, I can’t believe it. Even Alexis is hooked on that game.

Rad: Yeah. Is that normal?

Hot Shot: This is the place. Wheeljack should be in here somewhere. Transform!

Wheeljack: Does this bring back memories for you?

Hot Shot: Huh? Hello, Wheeljack.

Wheeljack: At one time, this was once an impressive facility. Too bad it’s no more than a discarded piece of junk now. It seems like such a terrible waste, doesn’t it?

Hot Shot: Yeah, it does.

Wheeljack: Yes, it’s good to see you again. I think we have a lot to discuss now, don’t we, Hot Shot? We might think we are different from the humans of this planet, but we share one thing in common – warfare. As long as I can remember, the Transformers have always been at war. And with the arrival of the Mini-Cons, there will be more battles, and we’ll always be warriors. However… We are not the same.

Hot Shot: Hmmm?

Wheeljack: When we fought together, you knew me as an Autobot. But now my allegiance is with the Decepticons. You were once my comrade in battle, but everything changed the day you left me in that fire on Cybertron. Our friendship is over. It ends today.

Hot Shot: …Yeah, I know.

Wheeljack: Heh. Well, at least we can still agree on something. Are you ready, Hot Shot?

Hot Shot: Errr…

Wheeljack: Only one of us will walk away from this place. And I guarantee that it’s going to be me, and not you.


Blurr: Sideswipe, any shot of Hot Shot yet?

Sideswipe: Nothing. No sign of him. And maybe he’s been kidnapped! I sure hope he’s okay.

Wheeljack: You know the rules, Hot Shot. There are none. It’s just me and you. A no-holds-barred fight to the finish. Ha! You’re so pathetic. You’re still hung up on the past, aren’t you? Well that’s not gonna stop me from shutting you down, Hot Shot. You’re mine now!

Hot Shot: Huh?! Aaaah!

Wheeljack: Aaaahh!

Hot Shot: Aaaah! Ugh.

Wheeljack: Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.

Hot Shot: Ugghh…. Ugh.

Wheeljack: Heh, heh, heh. Hang on, you’re not even trying, are you? You could at least try and make and effort. C’mon, get up! On your feet! Good.

Hot Shot: Ugh!

Wheeljack: That’s it! Fight back!

Hot Shot: Huh?

Thrust: Hahahahaha! That… is one sorry looking Autobot. I can’t believe a punch like that nearly put him out of commission.

Sideswipe: Huh? Is that a Decepticon up there?

Wheeljack: Heh, hahahaha! So are you ready — or do you need a rest?

Hot Shot: Oooh–huh?

Wheeljack: Don’t look so surprised. You knew it would come to this when you showed up. You brought this on yourself. Say something.

Hot Shot: Errgghh…

Wheeljack: Huh?

Hot Shot: Just do the job right this time. Just finish it.

Wheeljack: Hmmmmmm?!

Hot Shot: Go on, you’re a Decepticon. It’s your duty. And you, uh, know you’re being watched, don’t ‘cha?

Sideswipe: No! Don’t do it! Get away from him!

Hot Shot: Hey, thatta boy, Sideswipe!

Sideswipe: Transform!

Wheeljack: Ha, you are way out of your league, punk.

Sideswipe: Oh yeah?

Hot Shot: No, Sideswipe! Don’t do it!

Wheeljack: Heh, heh.

Hot Shot: Noooooo!

Wheeljack: Two’s company, three’s a crowd.

Hot Shot: Noooo! Wheeljack!

Wheeljack: Hahahahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha! If this place goes up, I’d say it’s goodbye for all of us.

Hot Shot: Errgghhh…

Wheeljack: Quite a fire, huh? So, does it bring back old memories for you, Hot Shot?

Sideswipe: Hot Shot! Help me!

Hot Shot: Sideswipe!

Sideswipe: Let go, you creep. You’re crushing me! Aaahh… aaahh…

Wheeljack: Hey, that’s quite enough from him.

Hot Shot: Wheeljack, this is between you and me!

Wheeljack: Heh! Once again, you’ve seem to ‘ve forgotten whom you’re dealing with! Hahahaha. I dare you to come after me.

Hot Shot: No! Come back!

Wheeljack: Ha, ha, ha. Hurry, Hot Shot. Before it’s too late.

Hot Shot: Ahh.. Urgh…

Wheeljack: Aaah, you’re awake at last.

Sideswipe: Huh?

Wheeljack: You realize your friend Hot Shot won’t help you.

Sideswipe: You monster!

Wheeljack: So you don’t believe me? Go on, start screaming for him to save you. He’ll abandon you just like he abandoned me.

Sideswipe: No way. You’re wrong!

Wheeljack: Ha, ha, ha. Have it your way, then. You’re on your own. I’ll leave you here to enjoy the view. After all, you’ve got the best seat in the house to watch me destroy Hot Shot!

Sideswipe: Huh?

Wheeljack: Now, I have work to attend to.

Sideswipe: No! Come back here, you coward! This isn’t fair! Don’t do this! Don’t leave me here!

Thrust: I think it’s time for me… to really start heating things up down there.

Hot Shot: Hey Sideswipe! Can you hear me? Ugh!

Thrust: Hahaha.

Hot Shot: Thrust!

Wheeljack: How dare you interfere with me, Thrust!

Thrust: Aaaahh! No!

Hot Shot: Huh? That’s Wheeljack!

Wheeljack: Ugh… M-Megatron, sir.

Megatron: So, we meet again, Wheeljack. It’s been a long time.

Hot Shot: Huh? Sideswipe! Sideswipe! I’m on my way to help you. Sit tight!

Sideswipe: No, don’t come up here! It’s too dangerous! Would you get outta here, this tank is gonna explode!

Hot Shot: No chance, pal! I’m coming to save ya!

Sideswipe: Then would you hurry up?! C’mon! It’s gonna blow! Let’s get outta here!

Hot Shot & Sideswipe: Aaaaaahhhh!

Hot Shot: Sideswipe… Let’s move it, buddy!

Sideswipe: Oh, thank you, Hot Shot!

Hot Shot: Calm down. Easy. Pull yourself together, Sideswipe!


Thrust: Megatron, you can’t allow Wheeljack to join forces with us! He’s crazy, look what he did to me.

Megatron: Oh, be quiet, Thrust.

Thrust: B-b-b-but sir…

Megatron: That’s enough! So, Wheeljack, will you be loyal to the Decepticons?

Wheeljack: Yessir. I will dedicate myself to your cause. It will be a great honour to serve in the mighty Decepticon army.

Megatron: Excellent. You’ve made a wise decision. Consider yourself part of the family.

Wheeljack: Thank you, sir!

Megatron: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Thrust: Heh, heh, heh…

Megatron: I have big plans for you, Wheeljack.

Hot Shot: What are you guys up to?

Sideswipe: Huh? Hey, bro! Good to see ya!

Hot Shot: Man, what was that?

Sideswipe: You heard me, Hot Shot! You’re like family to me now! Like a brother. If it hadn’t been for you, I’d be a heap of ashes! You saved my life! You’re —

Alexis: All right! Cool! I’m number one! I got the highest score all by myself. Huh?

Sideswipe: I think somebody needs a hug!

Carlos: I guess Hot Shot never expected Sideswipe to be so grateful.

Alexis: Awww… And here I was going to challenge both of them to beat my high score. Oh well. Y’know, maybe I’m playing this game a little more than I should.

Rad: Hehehe…

Carlos: Heheh, ha, ha, ha!

Billy: Alexis! Didn’t we tell you it was fun?

Fred: And I find it very educational.

Alexis: I guess so!

Kids: Hahahahahahaha!

Sideswipe: Where ya going?

Hot Shot: He’s got me!


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