Armada Episode 31 – Past

January 9th, 2012

Transformers: Armada
“Past” – Episode 31
Written by Terry Klassen and Ward Perry
Transcription by Brandon Williams

Hot Shot: It all started with a distant memory; something from the past. A battle on Cybertron had gone badly, and a friend of mine was trapped. And I remember… well, I remember I was trying to help him.


Hot Shot: Forget it, Wheeljack! I can’t move it. You wait here.

Wheeljack: Hot Shot! Please don’t go. Don’t leave me here alone. I need you to stay with me.

Hot Shot: Take it easy, Wheeljack. I’m just gonna go get help. I’ll come back real soon, ‘kay? Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll come back, I swear it.

Wheeljack: …I’ll be waiting.

Platoon Leader: Forget it! The flames are too hot! Let’s get outta here before we’re melted down as scrap.

Hot Shot: Are you nuts? One of my friends is still in there.

Soldier: It’s hopeless, Hot Shot! Forget about him!

Platoon Leader: Stop him!

Hot Shot: Let me go… I have to go back for him.

Platoon Leader: You’re not going anywhere now, Hot Shot! The unit is more important than a single soldier.

Hot Shot: …Wheeljack.

[End Flashback]


Alexis: Hey look! Someone’s coming.

Rad: Anyone order a pizza?

Carlos: Yeah, man. Make mine a pepperoni ice cream with double anchovies.

Alexis: Ewwww!

Sideswipe: Transform! Cybertron army deficient ten. Private Sideswipe, reporting for duty here on the planet Earth. Please allow me to assist you in any way that I can, sir.

Alexis: Is he for real?

Rad: No kidding.

Carlos: Enthusiasm will getcha nowhere, buddy! Take a chill pill.

Hot Shot: He’s gung-ho. I’ll give ‘im that.

Alexis: What’s he doing now?

Rad: Not much.

Sideswipe: Ready for duty, Commander Blurr. So nice to see you again.

Optimus: Huh?

Rad: He’s talking to you.

Carlos: You know him, don’t you, Blurr?

Blurr: No, I dunno who he is.

Hot Shot: He knows your name, Blurr.

Blurr: So what?

Alexis: Hey, maybe you just forgot. Why don’t you take another look at him?

Blurr: He — doesn’t look familiar.

Sideswipe: Have you forgotten me, sir? It’s Sideswipe, your good friend — and comrade-in-arms.

Blurr: Side-swipe?

Alexis: Remember now?

Blurr: No.

Hot Shot: Enough already. Can we bring him in now? All this remembering… is giving me a giantantic headache.

Sideswipe: What? You don’t remember me at all, Commander Blurr?

Blurr: I’m sorry. I don’t.

Carlos: Uhh…

Sideswipe: C’mon. Remember that rifle? You aimed it right at me, exactly like this.

Blurr: …At you?

Sideswipe: Uh, well, you weren’t aiming it at me, you were aiming it at a rope around my leg, and now do you remember?

Blurr: No…

Sideswipe: Maybe this will help you.

Blurr: Hmmm?

Rad & Carlos: Whaa?

Hot Shot: Hey, what is this? The circus?

Sideswipe: Heeellppp! Would somebody help me?!

Blurr: Hmmmm….


Blurr: All right, hold still.

Sideswipe: Wait! Wait a minute!

Blurr: What’s your problem now?

Sideswipe: You still haven’t told me your name. My name is Sideswipe.

Blurr: My name’s Blurr.

Sideswipe: Wait a minute, Blurr!

Blurr: What is it?!

Sideswipe: Just please make sure you don’t blow off my leg or anything, okay? Please!

Blurr: If you’re worried, then get yourself outta this mess.

Sideswipe: Nooo! Don’t leave me! Shoot when I give you the signal, all right? Okay, fire away anytime!

Blurr: …Oh brother.

Sideswipe: Yaaaahh!

[End Flashback]

Sideswipe: Blurr, remember? Ya blasted the rope off my leg with only a single shot!

Carlos: Yeah, that was a nice one, Blurr.

Sideswipe: Ever since then it’s been my mission to find you, Blurr, and accompany you into battle. I asked around and found out, you were here on Earth, so I made up an excuse to get transfered here.

Blurr: Ahh…

Alexis: So after all that time, you tracked him down?

Hot Shot: Nice move. I’ve always thought of Blurr as my hero, too.

Sideswipe: I promise not to get in your way, commander, sir.

Blurr: You already are. I don’t have time for this.

Hot Shot: Take it easy, Blurr.

Sideswipe: Wait… Come back, commander! I…

Billy: He’s the weakest Transformer I’ve ever seen.

Fred: Yeah, that’s for sure.

Billy: Is anybody looking?

Fred: Nope. They’re all gone.

Billy: I’m gonna kick your butt this time!

Fred: In your dreams, dog breath.

Billy: You’re going down, buddy.

Fred: No, you’re going down.

Fred & Billy: Eat that!

Billy: Take that! And that! And that! And how do you like that?

Fred: Gimme a break! I think my controller’s stuck or something.

Fred & Billy: Oooh…

Billy: Yeahaha!

Alexis: Hey, what are you doing? I don’t believe it. You’re playing games?

Billy: Uh, we weren’t playing a game, we were just analyzing — uhh, uhh…

Fred: So ya wanna try it?

Alexis: You’ve gotta be kidding me! You nut!

Fred: Busted… Heh.

Billy: Hehehe…

Sideswipe: Commander Blurr! Uh, hold on. Wait up a second. Uh, please. Let me help you. I insist, let me give you a hand.

Blurr: Get out of my way. I’m busy.

Sideswipe: Huh?

Blurr: I have work to do and you’re interfering with me.

Sideswipe: I’m very sorry, sir. I did not mean to interfere. Uhhh… Let me help you! Ughh, aaahh, ooh!

Blurr: Oh brother.

Sideswipe: I’m… so sorry, sir.

Blurr: Quit trying to tag along and leave me alone.

Sideswipe: Ughh…

Hot Shot: You’ve gotta be kidding me. Why should I be the one who has to look after him? I mean, come on! He came here to be with you — he tracked you down. Hey, you know what, it’s kinda cute if you just stop and think about it.

Blurr: He needs to study under a fellow teammate.

Hot Shot: What is wrong with you?

Optimus: Just give it a try, will you?

Hot Shot: Optimus.

Optimus: I’m with Blurr on this one. Sideswipe needs someone to show him the ropes.

Hot Shot: But Optimus, what do I know about teaching?

Optimus: I’m leaving Sideswipe in your hands, Hot Shot.

Blurr: I’m sorry, Hot Shot. It’s the only way.


Hot Shot: Oh, of all the rotten luck. I can’t believe I have to babysit this guy. Oh, there he is. Standing in the rain like a fool. This is impressive… Ya trying to rust yourself to scrap?

Sideswipe: I’m not gonna rust myself!

Hot Shot: Yeah? Then what are ya doing? Don’t tell me you’re crying because Blurr told you to quit following him around.

Sideswipe: Me, crying? I’m standing guard, for your information.

Hot Shot: Standing guard. Standing guard for what? Ah, whatever. I’ve got orders from Optimus for ya.

Sideswipe: What? Orders from Optimus?

Hot Shot: Attention, soldier!

Sideswipe: Yessir!

Hot Shot: Sideswipe, as of this moment, you will be working under the supervision and guidance of Hot Shot.

Sideswipe: Under Hot Shot?

Hot Shot: That’s right, kid.

Sideswipe: Well who’s that?

Hot Shot: Ugh… I am! I’m Hot Shot, you idiot!


Hot Shot: Hey, all right. Not too bad. Why don’t you show me what you’re really made of. And, uh, don’t hold back this time.

Sideswipe: Hmmmph!

Hot Shot: What the heck was that supposed to be? You aiming at one of your little imaginary friends over there or what?

Sideswipe: Why don’t you shut up!

Hot Shot: Huh?

Sideswipe: Sorry ’bout that.

Hot Shot: Touchy.

Sideswipe: Well, how do ya like that? There ya be.

Hot Shot: Oh brother…


Sideswipe: Come on, Hot Shot. How long am I supposed to drive like this for? Hurry up and give me the big signal!

Hot Shot: What are you talking about?

Sideswipe: You — you know! Give me the sign, give me the signal.

Hot Shot: Okay… Go ahead…

Sideswipe: Yessir! Transform! Heheheh, heheheh… What?

Hot Shot: Nice try, kid. But too slow.

Sideswipe: I guess I try too hard.

Hot Shot: This is great. Think it’s gonna be a long day.



Wheeljack: Urgghh! Somebody help me, please!

[End Flashback]

Sideswipe: I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you.

Hot Shot: Ah, don’t worry about it, kid. It’s no big deal.

Sideswipe: I feel so embarrassed. I have a tendency to let my emotions get the best of me.

Hot Shot: Haha, boy… That’s an understatement.

Sideswipe: When I was saved by Blurr, it was like a real wake-up call for me. He rescued me without even — well, even knowing who I was. He didn’t think twice about it. And when I went to thank him, he had already gone. I owe him my life. Compared to Blurr, I was a joke. I was sleepwalking my way through life, hanging around with a bad crowd, getting into all kinds of trouble.

Hot Shot: Oh yeah, Sideswipe? So you decided you wanted to change, huh?

Sideswipe: It’s like I’ve been reborn. And it’s all thanks to Commander Blurr.

Hot Shot: You got some work yet.

Sideswipe: Huh?

Hot Shot: Check out this view. It’s amazing. You know, I’ve seen a lot of planets in my lifetime, but this is the most beautiful by far.

Sideswipe: Hmmm…

Hot Shot: Sideswipe, changing your life is not an easy thing to do.

Sideswipe: But I’m gonna do it. I wanna be just as dedicated as Blurr.

Hot Shot: But you’re not Commander Blurr.

Sideswipe: Huh?

Hot Shot: You’ve gotta be yourself. You have to focus on your strengths and weaknesses. The first thing to do is find out a reachable goal for yourself and then work toward it. Starting today, starting right now. And it has to start with you, not Commander Blurr. You have to forget about the past.

Sideswipe: Ohh…

Hot Shot: Blurr works to improve what he has. That’s why he’s an impressive warrior. You just need some fine tuning.

Sideswipe: Hmm.

Hot Shot: Now, it’s time to get back to business.

Sideswipe: Yessir!

Wheeljack: Errrgghh…

Fred: Take that! Hahahahaha! Ohh… Ohhooo! Oh, you did it! You took his head off!

Billy: Sweet, that was so awesome!

Alexis: Yeah, no doubt. I thought you said this video game was a hard one.

Hot Shot: Yo, Sideswipe! Slow down!

Sideswipe: I thought you wanted to race.

Hot Shot: Not again. Get behind me, that’s an order!

Sideswipe: Ahaha. Listen to the big man, barkin’ out orders!

Hot Shot: Sideswipe!

Sideswipe: Okay, okay. I’m coming.

Wheeljack: Prepare yourself, Hot Shot. You’re about to get a little surprise from your past. Heh, heh. You may have forgotten what you did to me, but I — will never forget.

Sideswipe: Huh? Hey, Hot Shot, there’s a strange black car coming up from behind us, and it’s coming fast.

Hot Shot: Well, it looks like someone on Earth is as big of a show-off as you are. Don’t sweat it.

Sideswipe: Uh, no problemo, boss! I’m okay if you’re okay! Here he comes!

Wheeljack: Heheheheheh…

Sideswipe: What’s he doing?!

Wheeljack: Hehahahaha! Greetings, Hot Shot! My old friend…

Hot Shot: Huh? Sideswipe!

Sideswipe: Nobody does that to me!

Wheeljack: Hahahahaha!

Sideswipe: Whhoaa, whoooaaa!

Wheeljack: So, Hot Shot, does this look familiar? Hmmm?!

Hot Shot: Huh?!

Sideswipe: You’re not gonna get away with this! Erraw!

Hot Shot: Don’t do it!

Sideswipe: Transform! Errgh!

Hot Shot: Sideswipe, don’t go off on your own. Wait a minute. That car… I remember now!


Hot Shot: What is it?

Commander: I want you to take care of a young soldier. He’s skilled, but he has no battle experience. Show him the ropes. His name is Wheeljack.

[End Flashback]


Wheeljack: I’m exceedingly proud to be fighting alongside you, Hot Shot. My unit has heard all about you. Even Optimus has asked you to join his troops, correct?

Hot Shot: Yeah, it’d be cool if I end up going. But, um, it’s just talk right now.

Wheeljack: Still, it’s an honour, Hot Shot. I envy you. I wish I could be more like you. I hope that we can always be friends, even if fate — or the battle — seperates us, once again.

Hot Shot: You got it, pal. We’ll always be friends, Wheeljack.


Wheeljack: Help me, Hot Shot! Don’t leave me!

Hot Shot: I’m just gonna go for help. I’m gonna come back for ya soon!

[End Flashback]


Hot Shot: Are you nuts? One of my friends is still in there. Let me go… I have to go after him. Wheeljack!

[End Flashback]


Wheeljack: Heh, heh, heh. Here he comes.

Sideswipe: He won’t get away so easy this time. Where’d he go? Aahh! Aahh! Aaaaahh! Jerk! You wanna go for it, pal? Huh? What in the world’s going on here?

Wheeljack (multiples): Hahahahahaha!

Hot Shot: Sideswipe! Hold on!

Wheeljack: Hahahaha… This is the end for you!

Sideswipe: Whoa! Transform!

Wheeljack: Heh, heh. That showed him who’s boss.

Hot Shot: Transform! Sideswipe.

Wheeljack: Well, well, look who finally showed up. Too bad you missed the party.

Hot Shot: What are you saying?

Wheeljack: Transform! Looks like you’ve gotten better at abandoning your inferiors.

Hot Shot: Wheeljack! You’re still alive.

Wheeljack: Haha. Surprised, Hot Shot? Well, I’ll tell you something else. The Wheeljack you abandoned… is dead. I’ve been reborn.

Hot Shot: I’m sorry, Wheeljack. Forgive me, Wheeljack, ol’ buddy. There was nothing I could do. But leave my friend outta this. This is between you and me.

Wheeljack: You call him your friend? Heh, heh, heh. I think you’re mistaken, Hot Shot. I didn’t come here for revenge. I’m no longer the Wheeljack you knew. Like I said… I’ve been reborn… I’ve become a Decepticon.

Hot Shot: No! It’s… not true…

Wheeljack: Sorry, but it is. Our friendship’s over. Let’s forget the past, and get on with our lives, so we can battle as enemies. Understand? There’s nothing I can do to change the past.

Hot Shot: But why are you doing this, Wheeljack?

Wheeljack: Hot Shot… When you left me behind in the wreckage, I truly believed you were coming back for me. But then the flames overcame me and I knew that the end was upon me at last. When I saw a distant figure approaching, at first, I thought it was you.

Hot Shot: No, Wheeljack. It can’t be!

Wheeljack: It’s true! Megatron saved me. My life belongs to Megatron from now on. Be prepared, Hot Shot. I am stronger than I was before… I’m stronger than even you are.

Hot Shot: Wheeljack!


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