Transformers: Armada
“Credulous” – Episode 16
Written by Terry Klassen and Ward Perry
Transcription by Brandon Williams

Narrator: The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons rages on as they struggle to retrieve the prized Mini-Cons. The side who wins is the side that collects the most. And if the Decepticons prove victorious, then Megatron and his corrupt Mini-Cons control the universe. The Earth’s only chance for a peaceful cosmos is for Optimus Prime and the Autobots to destroy their enemy. Now, get ready for a new battle…


Hot Shot: You’ll have to get through me first if it’s the Mini-Con you’re after!

Megatron: Where is Scavenger when you need him?

Demolishor: There’s no sign of him anywhere, Megatron, sir.

Cyclonus: Probably ran away with his tail between his legs. Hehehe!

Starscream: I wouldn’t put it past him.

Hot Shot: Are you gonna have a tea party or fight? Sideways, move!

Sideways: On it.

Starscream: This game is far too unbalanced. Leaving one choice. Transform!

Megatron: I never issued any orders to evacuate, you fool! Fire. Snap out of it, men. Strafe that Autobot.

Demolishor: We don’t stand a chance against the same sword that inflicted so much damage upon you.

Cyclonus: Aw, give him a break. He’s still licking his wounds from the last battle.

Megatron: Is absolutely everyone trying to undermine me?

Sideways: Surprise.

Megatron: Follow me!

Optimus: Smokescreen, Hot Shot and Sideways can take care of the Decepticons. Meanwhile, we’ll go after the Mini-Con.

Smokescreen: Roger, sir.

Sideways: Transform!

Hot Shot: Looks like I gotcha cornered. We shut ’em down hard and fast.

Carlos: Serious thrashin’, Hot Shot!

Fred: I love that save the universe stuff — I mean, way cool!

Rad: Hey Red Alert, all that training you did really paid off.

Alexis: Yeah, now he seems totally in control when he’s using the Star Saber.

Rad: Hot Shot’s ultra stoked now.

Red Alert (VO): Perhaps. But Hot Shot still has a long ways to go. As long as he doesn’t place to much confidence in the sword, he shouldn’t get himself into trouble.


Megatron: Nothing matrix. Today’s the the day I will finally exact my revenge for the humiliation you have caused me.

Sideways: Found it, Hot Shot. The Mini-Con.

Hot Shot: Nice job of multi-tasking.

Megatron: The Mini-Con! It belongs to me.

Hot Shot: Oh no you don’t, Mega– Ahhh!

Cyclonus: Hahaha!

Hot Shot: Hyperdrive! What’s your status back there?

Megatron: I’ll take this, thank you.

Sideways: Not on my internal clock.

Megatron: I’ve taken the Mini-Con, men. Now, let’s move out on the double.

Sideways: No chance.

Megatron: Let go. Release me at once or I’ll freeze your startup disk for eternity.

Sideways: Hot Shot!

Hot Shot: Sideways! I’m coming for ya! Hyperdrive! We’re going for a ride!

Scavenger: An interesting turn of events.

Smokescreen: Hot Shot, where are ya?! I can’t see him anywhere, sir.

Rad: Hot Shot and Sideways warped with Megatron?

Alexis (VO): Seeing Hot Shot and the others disappear was like a scene from an old sci-fi flick. And there was nothing any of us could do about it.

Megatron: Release me at once, you intrusive virus.

Hot Shot: You all right?

Megatron: Awaken, Mini-Con. I command you!

Hot Shot: We’ve gotta stop him!

Sideways: We have nothing to fear.

Megatron: Obey my command. Hurry and awaken for me! Oh, curse you. Let this serve as a warning. I will not be deceived.

Sideways: I told you your chance to defeat them would come.


Sideways: As long as you hold the Star Saber, you will be invincible.

Hot Shot: Ha. It works for me.

Sideways: Invade the Decepticon base and you can annihilate your enemy with one strike.

Hot Shot: Yeah, the problem is finding out where their base is.

Sideways: You’ll learn soon enough. Then you’ll have your chance.

Hot Shot: Yeah?

[End flashback]

Hot Shot: I remember now. Lucky day for me, unlucky for you. C’mon, Star Saber. It’s time to shut down this user’s passed due account.

Megatron: Hahaha.

Demolishor: How’d an Autobot get in here?

Megatron: Enough talk. Open fire, men.


Rad: Hot Shot and Sideways must’ve accidentally warped back to the Decepticon base.

Billy: Meaning… Where [are] they at now?

Carlos: At the Decepticon base, doofus. Where else?

Alexis: Sure hope they’re okay. I’m getting worried.

Carlos: They’ll be fine. We’re talking about Hot Shot here. Nobody can touch him when he’s armed with the Star Saber.

Billy: Yeah and let’s not forget Sideways is there with him, too.

Fred: They probably have those Destructicons trashed from one end of their base to the other by now.

Carlos: Probably? Hot Shot’s definitely broken them down into microchips already.

Fred: I think I can smell burning alloy from here.

Billy: Me too.

Fred, Billy and Carlos: Hahahahahahaha!

Smokescreen: (Laughing) Optimus, I say we go to Decepticon Base at once.

Alexis: I’m with you, Smokescreen. They need our help.

Red Alert: We don’t know where their base is, so pursuit is hardly an option.

Rad: We’re supposed to just sit here and wait?

Optimus: Red Alert, can’t you use all the data we have to triangulate the approximate co-ordinates of their base?

Red Alert: I’ll give it a try, Optimus.


Scavenger: Hmmm… Looks like they had quite the little battle here.

Hot Shot: Sideways, over here.

Cyclonus: Taste laser, virus breath!

Megatron: Now!

Hot Shot: Those cowards got out of their town, but they left us the run of their base.

Sideways: Ya think? I wouldn’t be so sure of that.

Hot Shot: Check it out. Wait till I tell Optimus. Hey, we’re on the moon. So that’s where their base is located. Lucky us. They left us a trail.

Sideways: I dunno, Hot Shot. Could be a trap.

Hot Shot: Hey, who cares if it’s some kind of trap? The Star Saber will be able to handle things. C’mon.

Sideways: He’s gonna regret placing all of his confidence in the sword.

Megatron: Hahahaha! Welcome, you foolish Autobots. We have you completely surrounded. Now, the Star Saber if you don’t mind. Hand the sword over at once, and you might be able to escape with your miserable lives!

Hot Shot: The sword’s stayin’ with me, pal. Now get your microprocessors out here!

Megatron: Hahahaha. Want to play the hard way, do you? Well, suits me just fine. I’d love the chance to initialize your disk.

Hot Shot (VO): Huh? What’s the deal? He’s talking like he’s holding all the cards.

Sideways (VO): I gave you fair warning, Hot Shot.

Hot Shot (VO): Sideways was right. This is a trap. (Out loud) Sideways, over here! They’ve got us outnumbered and surrounded. I guess these creeps do have a brain between them.

Sideways: We don’t stand much of a chance.

Hot Shot: You said it. Let’s bolt out of here and re-calculate our options. I’ll take out the two behind me, you blast out the others. Now! Hyperdrive, comin’ through! Drop or be dropped, SCSI breath! Optimus, heh, heh, heh… Hope you didn’t take it personally.


Red Alert: I’m drawing blanks. I can’t calculate where the Decepticons warped to.

Smokescreen: Now what, Optimus?

Optimus: We don’t have any other option, except to wait.

Carlos: I tell ya, there’s nothing to worry about.

Fred: Yeah, chill out. You’re making me nervous.

Billy: Quit stressin’.

Hot Shot: Heh, heh, heh… Hehhh… What are you doing here, Optimus? Yo Sideways, hold your fire. It’s Optimus and the guys from the base.

Sideways: Think again, Hot Shot!

Hot Shot (VO): What’s that supposed to mean? Why is he firing on our own guys? (Out loud) Optimus, watch where you’re aiming! (VO) Am I losing it, or is he trying to pop me? (Out loud) Hey, I told you I was sorry.

Sideways: Hot Shot, these are just holograms.

Hot Shot: The Decepticons are using the images as a front! Me and my bright ideas…

Sideways: Quick! Down here!

Hot Shot: They might be holograms, but their lasers sure are real.

Sideways: Must have a simulator in the core.

Hot Shot: So all we gotta do is knock out their simulator and put an end to this movie.

Sideways: Check it out. Looks like the fake Optimus can’t get enough of himself.

Hot Shot: I’ll go over the top and keep them busy. You stay back and find that simulator.

Sideways: Gotcha. Watch your back, though. Wouldn’t want to see you get hurt.

Hot Shot: I’ll be fine. Come on, boys. Follow the white light. Maybe nothing more than a light show, but it still feels good to take out the enemy. This is officially getting freaky. And I sure hope this doesn’t hurt.

Sideways: Right. Thank me later.

Hot Shot: I’m almost done with these holograms. Although I did think that last guy was kinda cool…

Megatron: I must find a way to take the Star Saber from that annoying Autobot.

Demolishor: Yeah, but the sword’s so powerful, we’ll never be able to get close to it.

Megatron: What are you suggesting? That we allow that amateur to keep the Star Saber for himself?

Cyclonus: Do we have any choices here?

Megatron: Without the Star Saber, Hot Shot is nothing more than a mediocre — no, a less than average soldier. He’s only the most powerful because he possesses the sword. Wouldn’t any of you want to trade places with him?

Starscream: So the one that takes it from Hot Shot gets to keep it?

Demolishor: Starscream!

Cyclonus: What moonrock have you been hiding under?

Starscream: What do you have to say… Megatron?

Megatron: The warrior who is strong enough to take the Star Saber is certainly worthy of keeping it himself.

Sideways: Hop on, Hot Shot.

Hot Shot: Right. Let’s do it!

Cyclonus: The Star Saber’s gonna be mine! Woohoo-hahaha!

Starscream: Not if I can help it.

Hot Shot: Sideways, you go after Megatron. I’ll take out the others.

Sideways: Right.

Hot Shot: What do you say to a little mono-e-mono?

Starscream: Yeah. Whatever it takes to get that sword back from you. And I will get it back!

Sideways: Megatron! Game’s over.

Megatron: No one humiliates Megatron and lives to tell the tale.

Sideways: Oh no? That’s not what I’ve been hearing. (Mocking himself) Nyeh, that’s not what I’ve been hearing.

Starscream: Hahahahaha. You’ve defeated me for the last time, I’m afraid.

Hot Shot: Trust me, Starscream. The Star Saber belongs to me alone. Making me invincible.

Megatron: Think again!

Starscream: Megatron! …What?

Hot Shot: Sideways! He’s taken you prisoner?

Megatron: I’m sure you realize the implications.

Hot Shot: Why you SCSI…

Megatron: Stand down. You’re in the way, Starscream. Hot Shot… Over here nice and slow. Hand over the sword, and don’t think about pulling any stunts. After all, you wouldn’t want anything to happen to your precious friend over a little hardware, would you?

Hot Shot (VO): Oh, great. The old sacrifice your partner or lose the weapon gag. Now what do I do? Star Saber… I vowed to work with you to preserve peace and justice across the universe. But what about Sideways? I can’t sacrifice him — or anyone. I hope you can understand. (Out loud) Forgive me… For breaking my promise.

Sideways: Don’t do it, Hot Shot! You’ll regret it!

Hot Shot: Nothing’s worth a partner’s life. I can’t do it.

Megatron: Oh, what a sublime show of courage and sentiment. I can hardly wait to see what happens in the next act. That’s far enough. Drop the sword and back away. I warn you, don’t try anything foolish.

Hot Shot: You have my word. Now release my partner.

Megatron: Back away, I said. Go to your precious friend. You’ll have an eternity to re-live this picture perfect moment.

Hot Shot: You’re not hurt, are you, Sideways?

Sideways: I’ll live. Why’d you give up the sword for me?

Megatron: Heh, heh, heh…

Hot Shot: Return to me, Jetstorm, Runway, Sonar! Over here! Powerlink Star Saber!

Starscream: At last, the Star Saber is mine once again! Ahahahaha!

Hot Shot: What did you betray me for, Sideways?

Sideways: I told you you’d regret it.

Hot Shot: You were a Decepticon all along. I trusted you and you’ve been deceiving me all this time. How could I have been so stupid? I should’ve known it. AAAAAAHHHHHHH!

Starscream: No you don’t.

Hot Shot: I’ve lost my Star Saber!

Sideways: Heh, heh, heh.

Starscream: Meet the new unparalleled power of the universe! It’s mine. The sword’s back with its rightful master.

Hot Shot: It was a trap. I can’t believe I didn’t realize it until now.

Megatron: Which is why you of all bots don’t deserve to possess the sword.

Demolishor: Gotcha. Still reeling from the shock of it all, are you now? Why don’t I help bring you back to reality.

Cyclonus: I’d be glad to lend a hand!

Megatron: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Give the Autobot some special Decepticon attention.

Demolishor & Cyclonus: Hahahaha…

Megatron: Congratulations are in order, Starscream.

Starscream: What are you looking at, anyway?

Megatron: One guess.

Scavenger: Don’t tell me you’re going to let him go.

Megatron: Ha, ha. Don’t be absurd. Now hand it over.

Starscream: But — you said I could keep it…

Megatron: Yes, I suppose I did. Of course. Then do me a little favour. I need you to put that punk out of his misery.

Starscream: Yes, sir.

Scavenger: Stop right there. There’s no need to finish him off.

Demolishor & Cyclonus: Hahahahahahaha!

Starscream: Hahaha…


Smokescreen: Hot Shot!

Optimus: Red Alert, he needs tech support!

Red Alert: Right.

Alexis (VO): We’d never seen Hot Shot so badly damaged before. It was quite a while before he was back online and could tell us what happened with Sideways and the Star Saber.

Starscream: Hahaha. Now that I have this sword in my possession, I am undeniably the most powerful warrior in the universe!

Sideways: Heh, heh, heh… Hahahahahahaha!


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