Transformers: Armada
“Overmatch” – Episode 14
Written by Terry Klassen and Ward Perry
Transcription by Brandon Williams

Rad (VO): Hi, my name’s Rad and I wanna tell you about the Transformers, two races of mechanical beings from another world. There’s the Autobots, the good guys and then, there’s the Decepticons, a bunch of greedy bullies. They’re all fighting over a smaller race of robots called the Mini-Cons. The Mini-Cons crash landed on Earth thousands of years ago and they’re scattered all over the planet. The Decepticons want to enslave them and use them to increase their power, but the Autobots will put a stop to that evil plan.


Starscream: Come in, Demolishor! We’ve found a Mini-Con!

Demolishor: How I can look for Mini-Cons in this place? It’s all I can do to move around here.

Starscream: You’re such a fool…

Demolishor: I don’t see you doing any better.

Starscream: Sounds like a personal problem.

Cyclonus: Ha, ha! I’ve found one! Something’s glowing in the rocks above ya, Starscream. I’ll bet you dollars to brain chips it’s a Mini-Con.

Starscream: Got it! I’m going in.

Cyclonus: Huh? Enemy closing in below, Starscream. Watch yourself.

Hot Shot: Transform! Sorry to interupt this little search party of yours. Sonar! Runway! Jetstorm! Star Saber!

Smokescreen: I’m here for ya, Hot Shot!

Hot Shot: I’m gettin’ warm and fuzzy. Snag the Mini-Con, would you, Smokescreen? It’s planted in the rocks.

Smokescreen: Say no more!

Starscream: I’m not giving up after making it this far.

Demolishor: Look out, Starscream!

Starscream: I lost my sword!

Cyclonus: You can run, but you can’t hide!

Smokescreen: Ooh. That was a little too close for comfort.

Megatron: Ergh! That sword is destroying us again. Demolishor.

Demolishor: Yes! At your service.

Megatron: Charge!

Demolishor: Who would you send in as my backup, sir?

Megatron: No one, you fool. You’re on your own.

Demolishor: What about you, Megatron?

Megatron: Don’t worry, I’ve got things to do.

Optimus: I’ll take you on!

Hot Shot: Ha. What a pity. Looks like your friends have all let you down. C’mon. I’m feeling generous. It’s your move. Hey, you wanna go again?

Demolishor: No, uh, thanks. I’ve had enough punishment for one day.

Megatron: Decepticons, withdraw at once.

Demolishor: Wait for me. Don’t leave me all alone here.

Hot Shot: They never stood a chance.

Smokescreen: Hot Shot! You all right?

Hot Shot: Better than just all right. Cool. Ya pick up a little hitchhiker?

Smokescreen: Heh. Meet my new partner here. I call him Liftor.

Hot Shot: How’s it going, Liftor? Welcome aboard.

Smokescreen: Whoa, that Star Saber sure took care of the enemy.

Hot Shot: This baby’s only getting warmed up! Wait till you see what it’s really capable of doing in battle.

Optimus: Hot Shot!

Smokescreen: Optimus.

Optimus: Don’t let your guard down. We can’t trust those Decepticons.

Hot Shot: I’ve got it under control. We’ve been battling them for a long time, but this sword will put an end to the combat.

Scavenger: Hahaha! You wish.

Rad: What’s this? Who put all these tools in the fridge? I spent all that time fixing up the fridge, and do people use it for food? No. They stuff it full of hammers and wrenches and junk.

Carlos: Yo Rad! Don’t look so bummed out about the food situation. Alexis has gone to buy a bunch of stuff for us.

Rad: You sure about that? ‘Cause I just saw her taking off with Grindor somewhere.

Carlos: Yeah. They went grocery shopping together.

Alexis: Detergent with bleach or without? And maybe some degreaser so that Optimus and the others can get cleaned up. Hey, I hope this stuff doesn’t cause you to short circuit. Ah, what the heck, we’ll get it anyway.

Boy: Mommy! I just saw a robot in the store!

Mom: That’s nice, dear.

Carlos: Whoa, look at all the grub you guys bought!

Alexis: This time how about slowing down on the midnight fridge raid.

Rad: You nuts, Alexis? What’s the deal? Why’d you take Grindor to the store?

Alexis: No harm done. He helped me out and no one even noticed.

Red Alert: Rad has a point. You’ve got to use more discretion in that.

Alexis: Hey there, Red Alert!

Red Alert: If someone finds out about us, there’ll be some serious implications.

Rad: Hey, where is everyone?

Red Alert: They’ve located a Mini-Con. Don’t worry. They should be back shortly.

Carlos: Awww, why do we have to sit here while they have all the fun?

Red Alert: That’s quite enough. They’re half-way around the world, and it may be daytime here, but it’s night time there. Kids can’t be walking around after dark, right?

Carlos: What kind of lame excuse is that?

Alexis: Defending the base is as important as finding Mini-Cons. Isn’t that right, Red Alert?

Carlos: Yeah, I know. Spare me the lecture.

Red Alert: Well, I’ve got something here that might cheer you up.

Carlos: You mean Laserbeak? What about him?

Red Alert: I’ve amped it up a bit. Now he can pick up your voices from anywhere. So even if you’re on the other side of the world, kids, it’ll detect your voices and move in response to your commands.

Carlos: Too cool!

Alexis: Kind of like a spycam, only without the visuals.

Megatron: What is the meaning of this? I have never seen such a pathetic combat.

Cyclonus: But Megatron! It was that Star Saber, honest! Otherwise, we would’ve crushed them.

Megatron: Unfortunately, that is precisely why you must go and steal the sword! Now we’re left with no choice but to infiltrate the Autobots’ base once more.

Demolishor: No, no, anything but that! We’ll never make it out of there alive, Megatron.

Scavenger: It seems you’re surrounded by incompetence, Megatron.

Megatron: What’s that? Who’s there?

Scavenger: So much for your reputation as the Lord of Destruction.

Cyclonus: How did you get in?

Demolishor: So what do you want?

Megatron: Ahh, Scavenger. I’m glad to see you’ve made it, my loyal minion.

Demolishor: You know him, Megatron?

Cyclonus: What’s going on?

Megatron: I called for him to come to my side. This mercenary can assist us.

Cyclonus: He’s a merc?

Scavenger: I wasn’t sure until just now that I would respond to your request. I made up my mind after witnessing that battle, and seeing how pathetically you performed. You need all the help you can get. Still, I’m impressed that you would have a base here. It’s perfect for a warp facility. Nice work, Megatron. Sometimes your intelligence surprises me.

Megatron: Spare me the cynicism. Calling you was a last resort, believe me. We must have that Star Saber. Can we count on your assistance, my friend? I’ll be certain to make it worth your while.

Starscream: Megatron! We don’t need help from the likes of him!

Scavenger: Megatron, I’ve heard the rumours about these three assistants of yours. Some claim they are among the most fearsome of the Decepticons. Ha, ha, ha, ha. So much for believing everything you hear.

Starscream: That’s enough! I won’t stand for these insults!

Megatron: Enough! Stand down, Starscream. That’s enough, Starscream. Unfortunately, you pale in comparison to Scavenger.

Scavenger: Admirable. You wanted to stand up to me even though your arm is severed. You seem to have much more courage than even Megatron himself. I’ll take you on in battle, once your arm is healed, of course. Hahahaha!

Starscream (VO): I cannot allow him to cut us down like that and get away with it…


Scavenger: Excellent. Come to me. Hahaha. Pathetic fools…

Hot Shot: Let’s get this show started!

Optimus: Hot Shot! Stay focused.

Hot Shot: I can handle it myself. This Star Saber wants to go to work so bad, it’s practically begging for it.

Hot Shot: It’s showtime.

Cyclonus: Escape this! Hahaha! My butt! What have you done to my poor butt!

Starscream: Stop! I’ll take you on.

Hot Shot: Yeah? Bring it on, big guy.

Smokescreen: Watch yourself, Hot Shot!

Megatron: Crush him, Starscream! Grind that insignificant Autobot into the ground.

Starscream: Thanks for the instructions.

Hot Shot: I’m waiting.

Scavenger: Hahahahaha! This seems to be getting more and more interesting. A perfect way for me to kill some time if you know what I mean.

Hot Shot: Who’re you?

Scavenger: I go by the name Scavenger. Hmmm… It’s been a long time, Optimus.

Hot Shot: What’s the deal? You know this creep?

Scavenger: I’ll spare you the details. But if it weren’t for me, Optimus wouldn’t be spending his life caught up in these battles.

Optimus: It’s true. You were the one who taught me to fight. A long, long time ago.

Starscream: Enough stalling. Your trip down memory lane has nothing to do with me or this battle.

Scavenger: You’re right, Starscream. On with the battle. I’m looking forward to witnessing your little performance.

Starscream: Oh, this’ll be more than just a performance! And when I’m finished with him, I’m gonna do a little surgery on your mouth.

Scavenger: Hahahaha! I can hardly wait to see if you live up to your word, Starscream.

Megatron: Do it, Starscream. Steal his Star Saber and bring it to me immediately.

Scavenger: Megatron. You butt out of this, too.

Cyclonus: Shall I get him, Megatron?

Megatron: Silence! Make yourself useful for once and start searching for a Mini-Con!

Cyclonus: Yes, sir.

Starscream: Let’s begin, Hot Shot!

Hot Shot (VO): My attack didn’t even phase him.

Optimus: Hot Shot, be careful!

Hot Shot (VO): No biggie. I’m just getting warmed up.

Smokescreen: He’s in trouble.

Optimus: Starscream is more determined than Hot Shot.

Starscream: (VO) He’s mine. (Out loud) No! It’s not over!

Scavenger: That’s quite enough.

Starscream: How dare you interrupt me, Scavenger!

Scavenger: Starscream, you’ll never make a good warrior until you know yourself.

Starscream: What?

Scavenger: Hot Shot, you think you’ve won, don’t you? Well, you didn’t win on your own merits. That sword won the match for you.

Hot Shot: Sure about that? I’ll take you on next if you’re brave enough.

Optimus: Hot Shot, stand down!

Scavenger: Haha, okay. I’ll have some fun with you.

Hot Shot: Don’t hold back on my account.

Scavenger: Haha, I’d stay focused if I were you.

Hot Shot: Hey, what was that?

Optimus: Hot Shot!

Hot Shot (VO): He’s got me.

Scavenger: Oh, that’s not too shabby for a mere amateur. We’ll meet again. Hahahaha!

Megatron: Move in. Retrieve the Star Saber.

Cyclonus: Megatron! Guess what? I just found a Mini-Con!

Megatron: Then let’s move out.

Cyclonus: Yes, sir!

Smokescreen: Hot Shot, are you all right?


Megatron: Why? Why won’t it revive?

Demolishor: I think I might know. Perhaps the Mini-Con is similar to the Star Saber. It won’t awaken until three Mini-Cons are united.

Megatron: What?

Scavenger: Haha. Don’t you know the legend?

Megatron: What legend?

Scavenger: The legend of the shield that blocks the Star Saber, of course.

Megatron: A shield? Hmmm… Haha. Hahaha. Hahahahahahaha!


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